The Christian Post
Today's Headlines
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said he's working with the state’s lawmakers to find a way to prevent the Biden administration from transporting illegal immigrants into Florida after a Honduran national, who entered the U.S. illegally claiming to be an unaccompanied minor, was charged with the murder of a Florida man who took him in. “We … have a pending lawsuit against the Biden administration challenging their catch and release policies. But this is what happens when you engage in reckless policies," DeSantis said.
U.S. Supreme Court justices and lawyers have questioned the sincerity of the Christian faith of a Texas death row inmate who recently had his execution delayed because state officials will not allow his pastor to lay hands and make vocal prayers as he receives a lethal injection for murdering a man in 2004. Justice Clarence Thomas and several of his colleagues have raised questions about the sincerity of Ramirez’s faith and whether he is simply using litigation to delay his execution.
Nearly 40 U.S. Navy personnel, including 26 Navy SEALs, have filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration and the U.S. Department of Defense over the military’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate. The complaint argues that the Navy fails to provide an adequate exemption to the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for those with sincerely held religious objections.
A Texas-based nonprofit organization that provides free, short-term living for those experiencing medical crises has announced it is adding 16 new houses to its faith-based ministry. “We build tiny houses to love neighbors and take care of the sick, and we invite churches to adopt houses. They minister to the residents and help them to know the Lord and provide food and transportation for them,” Houses of Healing's Brian Massey said.
A Pennsylvania church deacon has been charged with assaulting an underage girl, and authorities believe he might have also victimized other youth. The state police investigation into Jeronimo Maisonet, a 45-year-old Monroe County deacon at Church of God Holy Ground, began on Oct. 18, with authorities believing that the abuse of the girl began in 2018 when she was 14 years old.
Wallace B. Henley writes about the trying times we live in and why Christians must remain steadfast and avoid abandoning the race despite its difficulties. "Don’t panic, don’t be afraid. Everything is happening right on time. Now is not the time to run away," he urges.
"Don't Say My Name," a new movie from 24 Flix and Selan films, highlights the harsh reality of a survivor who escapes her human trafficking captor and stands on her faith in God to help her live on despite her traumatic experience. Producer Marty Jean-Louis said that “most movies on trafficking end after the rescue," but that this film "follow[s] the victim's journey throughout the entire process."

Oral Roberts University - Generation Z by Dr. Billy Wilson
This new book gives surprising insight on our next generation of world leaders

This new book gives surprising insight on our next generation of world leaders

From the halls of middle schools to boardrooms of the most innovative companies in the world, Generation Z is coming of age at one of the most unique times in human history.

Gen Z, consisting of those born from 1995-2012, has officially become the largest generation in the world today. They are some of the most creative, driven, entrepreneurial, and technologically advanced young people the globe has ever seen. And their future impact on the world is inestimable.

As president of Oral Roberts University, Dr. Billy Wilson has come to know this generation well – their passions, potential, frustrations, and distinct needs. In Generation Z: Born for the Storm, Wilson gives us hopeful insight into this extraordinary group, revealing just how they are poised to become the greatest generation in history. Wilson examines the forces that are forming this generation and the storms that will make them strong. Gen Zers will be challenged to rise and pursue their remarkable purpose, while those from previous generations will be encouraged to both understand and stand with these new world changers.

GENERATION Z is called and equipped to rise above the global storm we are experiencing and initiate the greatest awakening our world has ever seen. They are ready. They are willing. They are born for the storm.

You can order Generation Z: Born for the Storm now at or clicking in the book title.

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