Today's Headlines
Monday, November 30, 2020
After being fined $5,000 for holding an in-person worship service in violation of Manitoba province’s public health order, a Canadian church was prevented by police from holding a drive-in worship service on Sunday.
Fewer than half of households with kids in the U.S. are “very confident” they can afford food over the next four weeks while 5.6 million households with children reported struggling to afford food in the last seven days, according to new Census survey data.
France will have to review the restrictions it created for worship attendance to combat the spread of the coronavirus, according to the Western European nation’s highest court.
Pakistan’s high court in Sindh province has freed a 13-year-old Christian girl from her abductor, a 44-year old Muslim man who forced her into an Islamic "marriage." But instead of returning the girl to her parents, she's required to remain at a government-run shelter until she turns 18. 
Pastor Andy Stanley of Atlanta’s North Point Community Church once again addressed criticism for not restarting in-person worship services, saying his congregation is “doing pretty good” spiritually and financially as they had recently given a record donation to the local community.
If I were to bet big about psychedelics, I’d bet our nation is making a big mistake.
‘Beyond The Walls’ Initiative to Help Pastors Publish Books
‘Beyond The Walls’ Initiative to Help Pastors Publish Books

Facing an unpredictable with unique challenges, pastors are forced to pivot and create new ways to minister and reach out to their communities. While the needs of their congregations and church members abruptly changed early in 2020, the ways in which a pastor and church can meet those needs have also changed. Many pastors have turned to video and social media to expand the walls of their church, while others are turning to write and publishing a book.

Vide Press, the book publishing division of The Christian Post, has announced a new initiative to partner with pastors and church leaders who want to use a book to minister to those within their church and also to readers around the world who are hurting and desperately need the Gospel. The initiative is called “Beyond the Walls With Books.”

Tom Freiling, Director, Vide Press, has been working with pastors and church leaders for more than 25 years. He’s spearheading the project and is eager to connect with pastors who want to write and get published. “We’re excited to leverage the reach of The Christian Post to feature pastors and their messages of hope,” says Freiling. Vide Press is in a unique position to reach people in a way that other Christian publishers can’t during these unprecedented times.

Vide Press is looking specifically for pastors who are writing about themes of building more faith and hope, repairing broken relationships, marriage and family, finding peace during the chaos, overcoming fear and depression, racial reconciliation, and other topics relevant to our uncertain times.

‘Beyond The Walls’ Initiative to Help Pastors Publish Books

Why should pastors consider writing and publishing a book? During the pandemic and political and cultural upheaval, people are looking for truth. This is a confusing time and by writing and publishing a book, pastors can help offer more clarity and truth, which in turn bring freedom and hope. The internet and mobile devices make it easy to access information, but so much data can often contradict and confuse our lives.

Vide Press wants to help pastors guide readers toward God’s everlasting love and Word through the medium of a book. Unlike video and digital media, books are a more permanent and well-thought-out way to express God’s Word. Books are something readers go back to, read and re-read, and pass along to friends and family. This is why our “Beyond the Walls With Books” initiative is such a unique way for pastors to diversify their ministry.

If you are interested in FREE CONSULTATION to talk about how you can publish a book, please contact us.

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