Today's Headlines
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Dan Cathy, CEO of fast food chain Chick-fil-A, urged white Christians to take advantage of the “special moment” in American history now, to repent of racism and fight for their black “brothers and sisters” in the wake of ongoing protests.
Grammy Award-winning Christian pop star Rebecca St. James has reemerged after a long hiatus. She said God radically called her out to release new music and a podcast during tumultuous times. 
President Donald Trump signed an executive order Tuesday encouraging police departments nationwide to enact policies that prohibit the use of chokeholds that restrict airflow except in situations where the use of deadly force is permitted. 
At the launch of what some observe as LGBT pride month in America, the testimony of two Pulse survivors was released on Amazon Prime, titled “More Than A Victim: The Angel Colon and Luis Ruiz Story.”
In fact, growing up if you had asked me what does it mean to be Jewish, my very basic and ignorant definition was this: “We don't believe in Jesus”. That probably holds true for many non-religious Jews. 
Those eager to shrink or even eliminate police departments in their cities could learn much from the mutineers who, in 1789 revolted against Captain William Bligh and took over his ship, the Bounty.

Why Do We Need Outrageous Justice?

Outrageous Justice Free Small Group Study: Awakening Christians to Justice That Restores

Most Christians know that God calls His people to visit the prisoner and seek justice. But many of us don't have a clear understanding of the issues. Prison Fellowship believes the Church has a unique capacity to minister people in prison, care for families impacted by incarceration, and be a welcoming place for people coming home from jails and prisons.

We also want to help the Church awaken to the complexities and injustices in our criminal justice system. And we want to equip them to respond.

We believe that when policies align with scriptural values, they bear fruit in the form of transformed lives and communities. But we also know that politics is downstream from culture. If we want to change public policy, we have to start with culture. That's what we're doing with Outrageous Justice.

We've found that 94% of participants surveyed after using the curriculum reported increased awareness about criminal justice issues. The majority also reported taking action to advance justice reform or minister to people impacted by crime and incarceration.

Respond to God's call to seek justice - Click Here - Get Your Small Groups Study

What topics does the curriculum address?

The curriculum talks about everything—from why we should be outraged by the injustices of our system to what the Bible says about the topic of justice. We look at some of the broader issues facing the system. And we also zoom in on some of the details to help participants really understand the issues.

It's all based on our values of proportional punishment, corrective prison culture, and second chances. The study explores these themes and topics from the perspective of law enforcement, former prisoners... read more

Outrageous Justice Free Small Group Study: Awakening Christians to Justice That Restores

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