Today's Headlines
Friday, March 15, 2019
A major obstacle in reaching Generation Z is their “confusion” and “lack of confidence” on moral and religious issues, according to an apologist who specializes in student outreach.
Justin Baldoni's directorial debut, the romantic film “Five Feet Apart,” stars Cole Sprouse and Haley Lu Richardson as two 17-year-olds who have cystic fibrosis — a chronic genetic respiratory disorder with a short life expectancy.
The daughter of Vice President Mike Pence is urging millennials to channel their passion for social justice to include advocacy against abortion because it is a huge injustice.
A coalition of radical feminists, lesbians, and politically conservative women are petitioning the government to scrap "gender identity" in federal civil rights legislation that's being considered in Congress.
At least 120 people have been killed by alleged Fulani militant attacks since February in the Kaduna state of Nigeria with the latest attacks resulting in the deaths of over 50 and the destruction of more than 140 homes. 

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