Today's Headlines
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
As the death toll rises across Haiti following Saturday’s 7.2-magnitude earthquake, volunteers with Christian humanitarian organizations like World Vision are working tirelessly to provide physical, emotional and spiritual aid to those suffering. 
Beloved Christian athlete Tim Tebow holds on to Scripture as the former NFL quarterback's dream of playing as a tight end for the Jacksonville Jaguars comes to an end.
The prolonged period of workplace flexibility amid the pandemic has given rise to an increased desire among a majority of parents with children younger than 18 to continue working from home full time or part time and is most pronounced among college-educated fathers, a new study shows.
Center Point Church in Lexington, Kentucky, prayed for God to restore Senior Pastor Tim Parsons “back to his normal self” during an “online-only” service on Sunday, just two days after he was hospitalized with COVID-19.
In recent years, a historic church building in Alabama with strong ties to the civil rights movement had fallen into disrepair. Now, it's one step closer to seeing new life as a museum that “celebrates the Christian impact” it has had on the community.
Fear often leads us into the very thing we're afraid of: You may be able to think about personal examples with your own life because you are afraid or anxious.
An MSNBC host is drawing criticism for comparing Republicans and conservative Christians to the Taliban as the terrorist group continues to gain control of Afghanistan. 
Over $2 trillion, over 3,000 lives, and a country that is less safe than it was when we started. Christ told us to count the cost of war before it begins; we ignored Him.

Are You Prepared to Engage a Post-Christian Culture?

Are You Prepared to Engage a Post-Christian Culture?

Once again, we're confronted with statistics that may startle some Christians. The health of the Christian worldview appears increasingly bleak. According to the American Worldview Inventory 2021, nearly half of the millennials surveyed said they either don’t know, don’t care, or don’t believe that God exists. Only 26% of Gen X, and a mere 16% of millennials, understand and believe the basics of the Gospel. In addition, 31% of teens and young adults “strongly agree” that what is “morally right and wrong changes over time, based on society.”

While these trends should not surprise those who believe in the traditional Christian doctrine of the Fall, certain observations of recent Christian and American history might also help explain how we got to where we are. It didn't happen overnight. Short of a monumental move of God, we won't get out of it overnight, if at all this side of heaven. In one sense, an increase in religious diversity is to be expected as immigrants bring their religions and cultures with them. Such diversity can enrich everyone's experience. And for the Christian, the mission field is conveniently coming to us.

But other reasons are not so encouraging. Historically, there have been cyclical assaults on the integrity of the Bible. Consider Charles Spurgeon's "Downgrade Controversy" as he fought the increasing modernism in his Baptist Union of the late 19th century England, or J. Gresham Machen's Fundamentalist battle with the liberal influences at Princeton, or the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy's response to the post-WWII subtle compromise of inerrancy of the Bible, not to mention the current battles within evangelicalism against the erosion of inerrancy.

Second, the seeds of postmodern relativism, originally confined to the ivory towers of academia, have now blossomed into a rampant moral and religious relativism. This is being lived out before our eyes in ideologies such as critical race theory... read more

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