Today's Headlines
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
While declaring herself a Christian on Saturday, singer Lady Gaga slammed Vice President Mike Pence as the worst example of a disciple of the faith for supporting his wife’s decision to work at a Christian school that doesn’t endorse homosexual behavior.
A former Muslim turned Texas pastor who came to the U.S. during the Iranian Revolution told those gathered at the Southern Baptist Convention’s 2019 Evangelicals for Life conference Thursday that he feels some evangelicals are misguided in their rhetoric on immigration.
Chicago Tribune columnist Jerry Davich, a self-described agnostic, says he experienced his own “God Friended Me” moment when his phone randomly texted the word “God” during a moment of frustration.
Francis Chan has shared how his recent trip to the Holy Land made the Bible “come alive” because the religious tension currently present in Israel mirrors that which took place during Jesus’ ministry.
Oral Roberts University has launched a new partnership with an internationally popular yet criticized charismatic church movement to make the Oklahoma college’s theological education more accessible and affordable worldwide.