Today's Headlines
Monday, May 06, 2019
Vice President Mike Pence gave remarks at a church in Louisiana that was recently the victim of arson, stating that “these attacks on communities of faith must stop.”
Rachel Held Evans was remembered for her encouragement and honesty by friends and acquaintances after she passed away on Saturday morning.
Retired National Football League player Ben Watson explained the importance of men in battling abortion, stating at a major pro-life rally in New York’s Times Square that “fatherhood begins in the womb.”
A North Korean defector recounted Thursday the “hell” she experienced during a decade full of abuse, starvation and enslavement as an orphan in the rogue nation, a fate that too many children are still experiencing today under the Kim regime.
Driven by her belief that God is a God of grace, forgiveness, and redemption, Missy Robertson is giving hurting and broken women a second chance at life through her new jewelry line.

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