Today's Headlines
Friday, January 11, 2019
As the partial federal government shutdown moves toward a fourth week, a historic church in Memphis, Tennessee, has stepped in to help their affected members weather an uncertain period of missed paychecks.
Kim Jones-Pothier draws upon her experiences to encourage others to shut down negative self-talk and seek the peace of God in her new book, "When Your Bad Meets His Good: Find Purpose in Your Pain."
One of the nation’s leading atheist legal groups has sent a warning to over 1,000 public school districts telling them not to take field trips to Answers in Genesis' creationist attractions in Kentucky.
The European Court of Human Rights ruled against a Christian homeschool family whose children were removed from the home and forced into a government-approved education program.
Southwest Baptist University in Missouri is launching an “external peer assessment committee” to lead the institution through evaluation and discussion of orthodoxy to ensure that its “theological integrity is intact” following the firing of a theologically conservative professor.