Today's Headlines
Friday, October 09, 2020
A judge has ruled that Fuller Theological Seminary can expel students who have engaged in extramarital activity or have entered a same-sex marriage, and still receive federal funding.
A major trial in the United Kingdom took place this week scrutinizing a gender clinic, and will determine if minors can legally consent to take puberty blockers and undergo other experimental gender medicine.
A school district in Kentucky has agreed to stop presenting prayers at its graduation ceremonies following a complaint from the Freedom From Religion Foundation, a prominent atheist group advocating for a strict separation of church and state.
Orthodox Jewish groups and a Roman Catholic diocese have filed lawsuits against New York State over restrictions meant to curb the spread of COVID-19.
Facebook has removed the page the Restored Hope Network, a Christian ministry that helps those with unwanted sexual attractions and gender confusion under the banner that they were promoting "conversion therapy."
Second, when we ask the question of who RBG was nominated to replace, we find a very intriguing answer.
NCCA2020 - HOLDFAST Six-Day Virtual Apologetics Event Oct 12-17
Don't Miss The Virtual Apologetics Event of the Year

Less than one month away! Please join us for Southern Evangelical Seminary's (SES) 27th annual National Conference on Christian Apologetics (NCCA) where you'll experience over 100 hours of live-stream teaching from some of the nation's top Christian thinkers that will help equip you to proclaim the Gospel, engage the culture, and defend the truth with confidence and grace. Speakers include Frank Turek, Richard Land, Gary Habermas, Hugh Ross, Daniel Wallace, Richard Howe, Abdu Murray, and more than 70 other speakers. The 2020 NCCA will run Oct. 12-17 (Monday - Friday evenings and Saturday afternoon ET). See the website for time specifics.

?In light of uncertainties regarding venue usage and travel restrictions due to COVID-19, SES made the bold decision to make this year's NCCA a virtual event for the first time ever. We're excited that this allows us to offer even more great content than usual. Here are a few highlights:

  • Plenary and breakout sessions will be live-streamed, and the recordings will be posted back to each session for on-demand viewing within 48-72 hours.
  • Spanish sessions are also included.
  • Attendees will have exclusive access to over 100 hours of content for at least three months.
  • In addition, attendees will have the ability to connect with our wonderful NCCA partners and fellow attendees via the Attendify event app or event web app.
REGISTRATION IS ONLY $30! Please note, tickets should be purchased for each person wanting personal access to the event. Families watching a stream together on the same device, for example, do NOT need to purchase individual tickets for each person.
$30 / Get Tickets

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