Today's Headlines
Friday, May 28, 2021
Zondervan and HarperCollins won't be publishing a version of the Bible that would have featured various patriotic American documents for the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
China sanctioned evangelical leader Johnnie Moore Wednesday for exposing humans rights abuses and standing up for the religious freedom of Uyghur Muslims, Christians and other minority faith groups who are being persecuted daily. 
A high school in Michigan has reversed course after initially telling a graduating senior that references to her Christian beliefs were "not appropriate" for her valedictory speech, her lawyers say. 
A post on the Facebook account of Without Walls International Church leader Randy White accusing his televangelist ex-wife, Paula White-Cain, of having multiple affairs with married men during their marriage was an “unfortunate” and “slanderous” post resulting from a hack, his church said.
The pastor of a heavily-persecuted house church in China’s southwest Guizhou Province was hospitalized after being detained and brutally beaten by Chinese Communist Party authorities.
Dennis Quaid and Jimmy Gonzales, the lead actors of the new inspiring film “Blue Miracle,” say humility plays a role in unlocking "God’s miracles."
Some progressives have tried to blame these increases on Covid dislocations in society, but the U.S. is the only country in the industrialized world to experience this dramatic spike in crime. Everywhere else violent crime rates either were stable, or went down.

Lending a Helping Hand to Those in Need

Bringing Christianity to Your Health Share Healthcare - Lending a Helping Hand to Those in Need | Unsplash @naassomz1

The Bible teaches us that since we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, we are to look after one another and share the weight of each other’s burdens. So, as Christians, we are called to provide help for those in need, giving what we can whether that be emotionally, spiritually, physically, or financially. The importance of this is clear when you consider how often the concept of sharing is mentioned throughout the Bible. One of the most well-known Bible verses relating to the concept of sharing comes from Hebrews 13:16 which says, “But do not forget to do good and share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.”

Many of us take this guidance to heart in various aspects of our lives, such as donating to our churches, donating to charities, helping a family member who has lost their job, or in various other ways. However, there are so many additional opportunities for Christians to provide assistance to our fellow brothers and sisters. While it is, of course, important to maintain a generous spirit towards all of God’s children whether they are facing difficult times or not, it is especially important to do so when they are, in fact, facing a difficult challenge in their life.

Oftentimes, periods of health complications or health emergencies are some of the most challenging times a person will face. Whether those health issues are your own or they’re being experienced by a family member or close friend, those times are extremely difficult in various ways. Not only are health issues challenging physically, but they can also be challenging emotionally and financially. In times like these, it can be extremely uplifting and beneficial to have a supportive community there to assist you.

Bringing Christianity to Your HealthShare Healthcare 2021 Member Handbook - Download for FREE

Thankfully, this concept of a group of fellow Christians being there to support you emotionally and financially when you need it already exists. The concept is known as healthcare sharing and has been around for several decades, since being created by individual churches as a way to help their members pay for medical expenses which they would not have been able to afford on their own. Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act, which included an exemption that allowed healthcare sharing ministries to continue operating if they had been established prior to 1999, membership in healthcare sharing ministries has grown significantly. Currently, over one million Americans utilize healthcare sharing to pay for their medical expenses.

Each healthcare sharing ministry, including Share HealthCare, provides their members with an ethical and principled way to pay for their medical expenses. While the specifics may vary from ministry to ministry, the overall concept is consistent and is quite simple. Each month, members submit an agreed upon amount and that monthly amount is directed towards the medical expenses submitted by their fellow members. Likewise, when a member submits a medical bill to the ministry, their fellow members’ monthly contributions are used to share the medical expense.

Another trait that all of the healthcare sharing ministries have in common is their religious principles. While nearly all healthcare sharing ministries are founded on Christian principles, each ministry has their own set of principles to which their members agree. For example, with Share HealthCare, members must agree to “The Shared Beliefs of Share HealthCare Members” which outlines the core beliefs that guide their membership community. Among this section are several Bible verses that highlight the need for Christians to assist one another especially in times of need, which is exactly what Share HealthCare strives to do with its healthcare sharing ministry.

Learn More About The Sharing ProgramsLearn More About The Sharing Programs |

As a religious and non-profit organization, Share HealthCare strives to keep membership in their healthcare sharing ministry accessible and affordable, while also offering a comprehensive program. In order to do this, they offer three sharing levels from which members can choose. The monthly contribution amount begins at $149 for singles, which amount increasing depending on the number of members on the membership and the unshared amount for which the member is responsible.

Once a part of the Share HealthCare community, members can share the burden of eligible medical expenses related to doctor, hospital, urgent care, and emergency room visits, as well as medical imaging and testing, wellness screenings, physical therapy, maternity expenses, and more. But the support from the community doesn’t stop there. Members can also extend prayers and well wishes to their fellow members via their secure, online accounts. And we all know how much emotional support and the prayer of power can make a difference during difficult times.

Periods of health complications can be overwhelming times physically, emotionally, and financially. Thankfully, with organizations like Share HealthCare, you can receive emotional and financial support that can help you receive the medical care you need to alleviate the physical challenges you may be facing. With support like this, it’s no wonder the popularity of healthcare sharing ministries has exploded in recent years. If you would like to join Share HealthCare or simply learn more about their program, please visit their website at or give them a call at (844) 742-7342 to speak with one of their experts.

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