Today's Headlines
Tuesday, December 04, 2018
A nativity scene and a Ten Commandments display were removed from public property in Dover, Ohio, after an atheist group complained and forced the mayor into action.
Mike Huckabee has issued a letter to U.S. President Donald Trump, urging him to offer Christian mother Asia Bibi and her family asylum in America.
NewSpring Church remained “gutted” Monday as a lawsuit suggested that a church volunteer who was recently arrested after he was caught on camera sexually assaulting a 3-year-old child at the South Carolina megachurch may have molested at least 13 other victims in the last 90 days.
Bible verse Isaiah 41:10 was the most read scripture in 2018, according to the YouVersion Bible app.
We’ve seen this show before. A Christian recording artist (or author) becomes very popular, reaching beyond a typical Church audience and becoming popular in the larger world. He (or she) is then asked about homosexuality and fudges the answer. In turn, the Church quickly condemns (him or her). Can we do better this time around?

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