Today's Headlines
Thursday, December 05, 2019
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has announced that the Democrat-majority House of Representatives will move forward with drafting articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump.
Over 6,000 volunteers will be packing 1 million meals to help combat global hunger as part of Liquid Church's annual Christmas Outreach program.
President Donald Trump faced "overwhelming" pushback from conservative Christians for his decision to pull troops out of Syria and abandon Kurdish allies, Sen. Lindsey Graham said, but he was ultimately persuaded by the argument that Syrian oilfields needed protection.
The U.S. House of Representatives has passed a bipartisan criminal justice reform bill that would enable prisoners age 60 and older to be released to home confinement if they meet certain qualifications.
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Hundreds of Pakistani Christian women and girls have been sold off as brides to men in China, with many suffering abuse and forced prostitution.


Thyroid imbalances among Americans are at an all-time high.

Eighty to 90% are dealing with some degree of thyroid dysfunction.

This impacts everything from sleeping, weight gain, brain fog, and brittle hair.

If you look online, you’ll see a lot of people recommend iodine.

I don’t because it’s a short-sighted answer.

Iodine will help in the short term.

But without a “balancing” agent for it, it loses its effectiveness over time.

At the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine, most of my patients who come in with thyroid-related problems often test positive for what I call “thyroid resistance.”

Iodine plays a big role in thyroid resistance.

As well as other important “balancers” that help restore it back to youthful levels.

Once it’s balanced, you’ll notice you’re sleeping deeper, losing weight easier, growing thicker hair, and you’re thinking clearly again…

All in just a few short weeks.

Click here for the full story .

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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