Today's Headlines
Friday, September 03, 2021
A man from Sri Lanka believed to have been inspired by the Islamic State stabbed six people at a grocery store in New Zealand before being killed by law enforcement on Friday. 
A new poll reveals that a majority of Americans believe President Joe Biden should resign over his handling of the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan.
Well-known figures on both sides of the abortion debate are reacting to Texas’ law banning the abortion of babies at six-week gestation, making it the first state where such a law has gone into effect without a court striking it down.
Televangelist Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas has provided shelter to over 100 people evacuated and forcefully displaced from their homes by Hurricane Ida, a Category 4 storm that made landfall in Louisiana on Sunday. 
The worship team at Church of the Highlands, one of the largest churches in the U.S., released a 10-song LP in August, titled Prayers To The King, which includes accompanying worship videos for each song that offer messages of hope. 
The Reverend John Harvard must be rolling over in his grave. America’s oldest and most prestigious university, named in the Congregational minister’s honor, just promoted a “devout atheist” to be their head chaplain.
An organization centered on combating sexual exploitation has dropped Google Chromebook from its list of worst offenders after Google implemented new safety standards for their product.

Are You Thinking Like an Atheist?

Are You Thinking Like an Atheist?

Why is it that so many Christians believe that thinking about God, understanding systematic theology, or doing apologetics should be something so easy that little thinking is required? In fact, some of them believe that loving God and neighbor requires nothing more than praying a prayer, reading a daily devotional, and going to church on Sunday. Because they don’t question the existence of God, they can’t imagine why anyone else would. Sadly, such shallow thinking has more in common with modern-day popular atheism than it does with historic Christianity.

There are many atheists who maintain that if God exists it wouldn’t be that difficult to know. This is simply a species of the argument from divine hiddenness (i.e., if God exists, then His existence should be obvious to everyone). Why on earth would anyone need formal training in theology, philosophy, or apologetics to learn about God?

At Southern Evangelical Seminary and Bible College, (SES) we believe that this attitude has led to confused thinking about how to actually do apologetics, which leads to shallow (if not false) thinking about who God is. This can, in turn, lead to dangerous consequences for evangelism. Allow me to illustrate.

Are You Prepared?

My ten year old is a pretty smart guy. He makes good grades, is a math wiz, and can recite numerous sports statistics. He understands that when his allergies are acting up he needs some allergy medicine, or if he has a fever, he knows he needs some Tylenol. But exactly how much medicine should he take? How will those medicines interact with other medicines he may be taking... read more

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