Today's Headlines
Friday, September 04, 2020
Sight & Sound creators Dan Deal and Kristen Brewer share with The Christian Post why their latest theatrical production, "Queen Esther," is needed "for such a time as this."
Over 120 black American leaders in both parties have signed a document addressed to Planned Parenthood, urging it to confront systemic racism inherent in the abortion industry and the legacy of its founder, Margaret Sanger.
A petition calling for the dismantling of PornHub, the largest pornography hosting website in the world that critics say profits off of and enables sex trafficking as well as child abuse, has surpassed 2 million signatures.
Lawmakers in California have passed a bill that would no longer require people who commit statutory rape against teenagers 14 and over to register as sex offenders as long as the age difference is no more than 10 years. 
The new film “Fatima,” now available in theaters and on-demand, tells the story about the power of faith in times of global turmoil. 
This particular fear-based narrative is finding fertile soil in churches. QAnon isn’t the first conspiracy theory to attract followers in certain segments of the Church.

New Christian Clothing Line Encourages Protecting All Lives

New Christian Clothing Line Encourages Protecting All Lives

These last few months, so many clothing brands are speaking out about protecting black lives. But they have willfully ignored the biggest threat facing black lives. Not police brutality, but abortion. Since Roe v Wade, abortion has ended 19 million black lives (36% of all abortions were obtained by black women despite making up only 14% of the child bearing population according to the CDC in 2011).

In order to have a consistent conversation, both intellectually and morally, about protecting the sanctity of black lives, the disturbing and ghoulish realities of abortion must be included.

Christian clothing brand, Culture Of Life 1972 (COL1972), is actively working to protect black lives, as well as all of the other lives being threatened by abortion. Their mission is SO much more than producing cute clothes for men and women. They’re a pro-life fashion brand that gives 100% of their profits to pro-life organizations! Turning Point USA POPlitics host, Alex Clark, was completely honored when COL1972official asked her to be their 2020 Ambassador. Hundreds of the COL1972 Life Tribe voted for Alex to be the 2020 ambassador. This partnership will bring together the COL1972 Life Tribe and the POPlitics CUTEservatives to push the pro-life movement into the main stream through beautiful and empowering clothing that makes it easy to have these conversations.

New Christian Clothing Line Encourages Protecting All Lives

COL1972 Global Ambassador Alex Clark is wearing COL1972 Black Romper in size Small. “Alex Clark is bold and beautiful for life. She embodies the women for whom we design our clothing collections.” Said COL1972 Chief Designer.

Alex and COL1972 started an affiliate program to provide opportunities for people to build a financially rewarding business while making a significant social impact for future generations. “Life. Make it your business.” Is the slogan for their affiliate campaign. Over 300 affiliates have signed up to sell COL1972 product in just 3 months of the programs launch which tells us that Life is very in style.

Help lead for life in the fashion industry by following COL1972official on all social media and subscribing to their newsletter at Why? It’s really simple: fashion should help and not harm future generations.

JOIN OUR LIFE TRIBE Culture of Life 1972 is inspired by LIFE!

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