Today's Headlines
Monday, February 15, 2021
Christian author and pastor Max Lucado, who holds biblical Christian views on marriage, issued an apology for “disrespecting” and “hurting” the LGBT community in his past sermons after the Washington National Cathedral was criticized for inviting him as a guest speaker.
An Alabama inmate sentenced to death cannot be executed unless he has, per his request, a pastor present in the execution room, according to an opinion by the United States Supreme Court.
The wide-reaching Equality Act championed by Democrats would put the hiring practices of faith-based organizations in “jeopardy” and will create additional religious freedom concerns for Christian schools, churches and ministries, a prominent legal nonprofit argues.
Here are seven notable milestones for black clergy in the United States. The include the African-American president of the Southern Baptist Convention, the first African-American head of The Episcopal Church, and the first African-American female leader of any Protestant denomination.
As thousands continue to pray for her worldwide, Hannah Montagu, a young Christian woman in England who went into a coma after suffering a brain hemorrhage more than a month ago, is “waking up,” her sister has said.
Two people who were sexually abused as minors have filed suit against Pornhub and its owner Mindgeek, over videos of their abuse being uploaded to the popular pornography website.
There is no sugar-coating, excusing, or explaining away Ravi’s behavior. It was sinful. It was wicked. And, as this report made crystal clear, it was duplicitous. As St. Paul wrote, “There is none righteous, no not one.”

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