Today's Headlines
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
CEO of Sight & Sound Theatres Matt Neff announced at the premiere of their highly anticipated show “Queen Esther” that they prayerfully decided to postpone shows due to the coronavirus. 
An independent Christian journalist and the father of a trans-identifying teen girl are facing charges for speaking out against the experimental practices being performed on her body to gender-transition her to appear as male.
The remarkable life and ministry of St. Patrick comes to life in the new docu-drama "I Am Patrick: The Patron Saint of Ireland," hitting theaters March 17-18.
Evangelical Christians in the United States are not as negatively viewed as they might think, according to a sociologist who recently spoke with the National Association of Evangelicals.
The Southern Baptist Convention’s publishing arm, Lifeway Christian Resources, is offering a free, in-home children’s Bible study program available to churches of all kinds that have postponed their services due to the coronavirus outbreak. 
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Still, we, as Christians, have a great opportunity. We have a prodigious responsibility unlike any other time in recent years to be outwardly focused.

Legal services for faith-based start-ups

Legal services for faith-based start-ups

Many nonprofits are unable to afford affordable legal services from a firm that is experienced in the unique legal issues of a nonprofit. Charitable Allies has specific experience in providing these services for faith-based, charity and community organizations at greatly reduced rates. In addition to our direct legal representation services, we support our nonprofit clients with administrative support, training, and consulting services.

Charitable Allies services include:


  • Legal representation in disputes with employees, vendors, landlords, tenants
  • Contract negotiations for insurance and other third-party services

Charitable Allies “knows the drill” of the many documents necessary for a nonprofit:

  • Legal fillings for startups, mergers, reorgs, and closure
  • Formal filings with government agencies, including the IRS
  • Original and updated bylaws, articles and employee policies that meet regulatory and transparency guidelines
  • Contracts and legal documents for property purchases and sales
  • Original and updated vendor and employee contracts
Charitable Allies - your nonprofit advocate - nonprofit law and consulting services to charitable organizations nationwide - Learn More

Charitable Allies provides a back-office ‘extra set of hands’ so nonprofit leaders can do what they do best:

  • Strategic plans and performance metrics to improve operations
  • Planning for mergers, reorgs, and closures
  • Alerts and communications that meet transparency guidelines to staff, board, donors, the community, and grant and government agencies


  • Charitable Allies and our nonprofit partners provide educational training for Boards of directors, officers and staff, with guidance related to governance, leadership, and charitable and philanthropic programming best practices


Charitable Allies understands the unique challenges that face faith-based nonprofits, and the priorities of those who dedicate themselves to a mission. Our passion for community service and social activism means that we are more than a service provider -We are your partner in philanthropy, your nonprofit advocate and trusted counsel who “understands your language” and shares your sense of commitment.

Click Here to learn more or schedule a consult today: (317) 333-6065 8 am-5 pm, CST

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