Today's Headlines
Friday, August 23, 2019
“Overcomer,” the latest film created by brothers Alex and Stephen Kendrick, is now showing in theaters nationwide, so grab your Kleenex and a journal to take notes because you’ll need them. 
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While the common narrative today is that Christianity in America is on the decline, Glenn Stanton cites research in his book, The Myth of the Dying Church, to say genuine Christianity is actually thriving in America.
The actress who portrayed Abby Johnson in the pro-life film 'Unplanned' has launched a scholarship fund for college students facing unplanned pregnancies.
Here are five reactions from notable Christian leaders and intellectuals in response to the Trump endorsement of Root’s claims of messianic honors for the president.
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A documentary film released Friday examines the recent growth of Christianity in Iran, especially among women.
It's here! Who's going to see OVERCOMER this weekend?
It's here! Who's going to see OVERCOMER this weekend?

Life changes overnight for coach John Harrison when his high school basketball team’s state championship dreams are crushed under the weight of unexpected news. When the largest manufacturing plant in town suddenly shuts down and hundreds of families begin moving away, John must come to grips with the challenges facing his family and his team. Urged by the school’s principal to fill-in and coach a sport he doesn’t know or like, John is frustrated and questioning his worth… until he crosses paths with a student struggling with her own journey. 

Filled with a powerful mix of faith, a twist of humor, and a ton of heart, the Kendrick Brothers return to theaters with OVERCOMER, their newest feature following FACING THE GIANTS, FIREPROOF, COURAGEOUS, and the #1 box-office hit, WAR ROOM. The inspiring family film stars Alex Kendrick, Priscilla Shirer, Shari Rigby, Cameron Arnett, and introduces Aryn Wright-Thompson. 

Now playing in theaters, OVERCOMER dares to leave you filled with hope, inspired to dream, and asks the question: what do you allow to define you? 

Click Here to get tickets now. 

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