Today's Headlines
Saturday, July 17, 2021
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., pledged he would to “go to war” for Chick-fil-A in the wake of Notre Dame students' backlash to the Christian-owned fast-food restaurant being on campus. 
An appeals court has ruled that the University of Iowa wrongly discriminated against a Christian student group that wanted to choose its leaders and members on the basis of religious belief.
In a moment of deep suffering and despair, actor Jon Voight said he had a revelation that life has a purpose and he had better "straighten out" so he could be "a vessel for God." Since then, a healthy "fear of the Lord" has kept him in check.
“God’s Not Dead: We the People,” the fourth installment of the popular franchise, will be released this fall.  
Whenever the founder of New York’s Gateway Christian Center, the Rev. Sunny Philip, recalls memories from his childhood in Kerala, India, in the 1960s, he remembers that the first book he ever laid eyes on was the Holy Bible at 6 years old. 
It seems to me that our prayers, then, should not be aimed at the release from our sufferings, but at a serious and fervent call for the strengthening of our bodies and souls through suffering. When the time is right, rest assured He will permit it to pass; we need not remind Him.
Jack Phillips opens up about his ongoing legal battles, his win at the Supreme Court in 2018, and his story as told in his new book "The Cost of My Faith."

Five Tips for Success as a Christian Author

Vide Press is proud to welcome new books and authors! You too can join John Van Veen, Warwick Murphy, and Jennifer Zillly Canales, whose books are now available. Are you writing a book? Vide Press wants to speak with you. Click the link for a FREE consultation with Vide Press, the publishing division of The Christian Post.

In “An Adventure Like No Other,” Warwick Murphy shares how God leads the ordinary to be extraordinary. He tells his lifelong adventure from growing up in Sydney and Melbourne to a world of heroin, prison visits, street people, and misery, and back to God who was involved in every step of the journey! ORDER NOW
In “God Doesn’t Do Focus Group,” John VanVeen shares how we have an uncanny desire to improve nearly everything we are a part of, from books, to streaming services, to products, to politics, and even to our faith. But God is only interested in having us move toward Him on His terms. This book helps us see the ways we try to leverage God and then explains why it is in our best interest not to! ORDER NOW
In “ Hidden Treasures,” Jennifer Zilly Canales boldly tells the stories of her and her husband Darwin's life's work in rural Honduras and the challenges faced from feelings of significance to struggles of faith. Embark with them on this unique journey transcending race, nationality, and social class, and be challenged to consider a new perspective! ORDER NOW

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