Today's Headlines
Tuesday, February 05, 2019
Nigerian military and security forces killed hundreds of mostly Christian ethnic Igbo civilians advocating for self-determination, in massacres that took place from 2015 to 2017, according to the most comprehensive report to date, which took three years to make.
A Canadian human rights law firm is accusing a government adoption agency of discriminating against a Christian couple who wanted to become foster parents.
Pastor Robert Morris of Gateway Church in Dallas has announced an unconventional location for the church's newest campus: The state's largest prison.
The father of slain American missionary John Chau blamed “extreme” Christianity for his son’s death while on a mission to evangelize an isolated and hostile tribe in the Andaman islands.
Syrian Christians have shared how they converted from Islam to Christianity after witnessing the brutality of Islamic extremist groups like ISIS, who carried out barbaric acts in the name of Allah.
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