Today's Headlines
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
The idea that there can be an LGBTQ Christianity contradicts “the DNA of Jesus Christ,” according to a former homosexual who ministers to sexually broken people.
Christian filmmakers behind the pro-life movie “Unplanned” have refused to alter the film’s message despite being informed by the Motion Picture Association of America that the film will be rated R — unless all scenes of abortions are removed.
Here are ten notable politicians who have either declared their candidacy for president or have launched exploratory committees. 
Just days after the president of the Southern Baptist Convention called for an evaluation of 10 churches that were highlighted in a recent investigation on sex abuse, six of those churches were cleared of acting indifferently toward abuse.
Congress is requiring the Federal Communications Commission to launch a review of its TV content ratings system, which advocates argue has long misguided families and children.

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