Today's Headlines
Monday, February 24, 2020
When pastors at a church in Ohio presented a challenge to pay off children’s lunch debt in two school districts, they weren't sure what would happen. They were shocked when the congregation gave enough money to eliminate lunch debt in 10 districts.
The upcoming film “Onward,” which will be in theaters on March 6, will feature a self-identified lesbian heroine with a girlfriend, the first-ever animated LGBT character in the Disney-Pixar universe.
As Christians get ready to observe Ash Wednesday by attending worship services that involve the imposition of ashes on their forehead in the shape of a cross, one Episcopal diocese will be taking the ritual outside its church walls.
An evangelical advocacy organization is supporting a push in Congress to ensure working families  — in the government and private sector — are ensured paid parental and family leave as hope builds that bipartisan legislation will be passed this election year.

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