Today's Headlines
Wednesday, March 04, 2020
Fourteen states and one United States territory went to the polls Tuesday to determine who they wanted as the presidential nominee for the Democratic Party.
A tornado struck parts of Nashville and central Tennessee early Tuesday, leaving at least 22 people dead. Many in Nashville’s Christian music community are sharing their heartbreak over the natural disaster. 
Award-winning Christian band, Tenth Avenue North announced they are going their separate ways after over a decade of making music and touring together. 
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Churches and other religious groups are now ramping up measures to protect their congregants from the Covid-19 disease caused by the new coronavirus as the World Health Organization warned Tuesday that it's now deadlier than the flu.
We live in confusing times.
We live in confusing times. Our society has shifted on its moral axis, and many are asking whether Christianity needs to be reinvented in order to save it. With Newsweek declaring on its cover, “The Decline and Fall of Christian America,” bloggers and Christian commentators are discussing whether we need a “new kind of Christianity.”

In Saving Christianity? Dr. Michael Youssef reviews the essentials of the Christian faith as described in the Bible and helps you discern what is going on within the church and gives you a renewed confidence in the future of the church for generations to come.
Michael Youssef, PhD, is the founder and president of Leading the Way with Dr. Michael Youssef. His weekly television programs and daily radio shows are broadcast in 26 languages and seen worldwide, airing more than 14,000 times per week. He holds a doctorate from Emory University, and has authored many books.

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