The Christian Post
Today's Headlines
Saturday, February 12, 2022
A New York pastor who ran over his estranged wife with her car and then repeatedly attacked her with a machete in front of her grandchildren has been sentenced to 23 years in prison.
The Taliban controlled-government of Afghanistan is holding at least nine foreign nationals in custody, including one United States citizen, according to multiple reports.
Skillet's John Cooper chats about the band's new album, "Dominion," and his fight for freedom
If you’re searching for God, I encourage you to look to the One who has the answers and surrender your life to Him. No matter what you have done or have experienced you can turn to Christ and get on the right track
The leadership of a Connecticut school district has issued an apology after parents expressed outrage over an assignment that asked students about their likes and dislikes when it comes to sexual activity.
Abune Antonios, the former head of Eritrea’s Orthodox church, has died at age 94, after spending 15 years in detention as a prisoner of conscience for resisting the Eritrean government’s interference in church affairs.
The United Methodist Church’s highest court has issued multiple decisions centered on clarifying the process of disaffiliation for congregations, in advance of an expected schism over homosexuality.

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