Today's Headlines
Monday, May 13, 2019
The city of Denver is set to decriminalize psychedelic mushrooms, a move a former drug addict says is opening the city up to demonic activity, just as it does in the life of a drug user.
As pornography use is becoming more common and acceptable in today’s culture, many practicing Christians today feel trapped in a shameful dependency they know is direct disobedience to the will of God.
As a former North Korean military officer marked for execution, Kim Yong-Hwa says he knows all too well the tribulations facing the thousands of defectors on the run for their lives from the repressive Kim regime of North Korea.
Vice President Mike Pence warned about the attacks on religious liberty during his commencement address to Liberty University graduates on Saturday. 
What does it mean to be mentally healthy? Dr. Curt Thompson and journalist Ana Marie Cox spoke about this question at a recent Faith Angle Forum.

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