The Christian Post
Today's Headlines
Sunday, February 20, 2022
This week — Feb. 20 to Feb. 26 — marks the anniversary of memorable events in Christian history. They include Jerry Falwell losing a case before the Supreme Court against Hustler magazine and the United Methodist Church holding a controversial vote to uphold its stance on marriage.
A social media post by evangelist Franklin Graham asking followers to pray for Russia President Vladimir Putin to avoid a war with Ukraine is drawing backlash from liberals on social media, while some have come to Graham's defense.
Authorities in India’s southern state of Karnataka demolished a 20-foot-tall statue of Jesus, which had been standing in the village for 18 years, claiming it was built on land earmarked by the government for an animal pasture.
Brittany Dawn Davis, a Texas-based social media influencer who once sold dietary plans but has since switched her focus to Christain retreats, is being sued by the state's attorney general who claims she scammed thousands of consumers.
The early Church did not skip a beat, but continued to thrive after mass persecution broke out against them. Even though they were forced out of their homes and lost everything, their mind was on spreading the Gospel!
The travel and tourism industry is back. At least that was the message last week in Virginia Beach, Virginia, at Domestic Showcase, a major regional industry conference sponsored by the Southeast Tourism Society.

Chosen by World Vision

A man once adopted from an orphanage in India is chosen all over again

Rosemary, who lives in Kenya, was not used to choosing.

Being chosen was a reminder of Jesus’ love for a man once adopted from an orphanage in India.

You may be familiar with child sponsorship. Through Chosen, World Vision’s new invitation to sponsorship, it’s the kid who gets to experience the joy of choosing. This is what it means to be #chosen.

Rosemary, who lives in Kenya, was not used to choosing. She and her grandmother and brother barely had enough food to eat, and she had to walk an hour to collect dirty water. “As I go to fetch water with my friends, we play and talk about homework,” she says brightly. The water is not clean and makes them ill. But it’s the only option they have.

But then Rosemary got to choose her sponsor at an event in her community. Photos of potential sponsors were displayed for the children to see. One by one, each child took their turn to examine the faces and choose who they wanted. Rosemary stood in awe of all the photos, then chose Regis to be her sponsor. In a message to Regis she explains that she chose him, “because you look... Read More

Rosemary, who lives in Kenya, was not used to choosing.

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