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CPB Newsletter
Number 2016-3 / March 31, 2016

CPB Newsletter provides a monthly overview of CPB's publications in English made public in the preceding month. If you would like to receive a separate alert for each publication, please register at our website.

21-03-2016 The moderate rate of economic recovery is continuing, on a global level, with a 2.9% growth in the world economy projected for this year, and 3.2% for the next. Read more
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People in the street
24-03-2016 The volume of world trade fell 0.4% in January 2016, having increased 1.0% in December 2015 (initial estimate: 0.0%). Read more
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container port
24-03-2016 This CPB Discussion Paper debates the decision about the amount and type of care that a patient needs may be entrusted to health care providers or be delegated to an independent assessor. Read more
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People with mobility scooters in the street
29-03-2016 This CPB Discussion Paper analyzes the effectiveness of the ECP,early childhood programme, designed for 2.5 to 4 year olds from disadvantaged backgrounds in the Netherlands. Read more
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Children on their way to school
22-03-2016 This CPB Discussion Paper adresses a Dutch neighbourhood investment programme, implemented in 2008. Read more
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Child on a porch in a poor neighboorhood
16-03-2016 This CPB Discussion Paper studies options for income shifting using bunching techniques for owners of small Dutch corporations that face taxation of corporate, labour and capital income. Read more
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24-03-2016 Presentation: Scenarios on social participation and healthy life years

Presentation used by Bert Smid during the MOPACT Active Ageing Forum, Vienna, March 15th 2016. Read more
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