Create Yourself to a Better Life Through Art and Writing.

Dear Friends,

Welcome to longer days and celebrating the return of the light. If you have been a fan of mine for any length of time, you probably know that spring is my very favorite time of the year. As with any change of season we feel an ushering of something new and excitement emerges. For me, that means putting pen to paper and starting new creative projects.

This month, the theme of my letter is art and writing. This may be my favorite theme of the year because both are very dear to my heart, fulfilling me in so many ways. As we emerge from winter introspection time, we can take what we have learned about ourselves and express it through art and writing projects. People tell me all the time that they are not artistic or they can't "write," and I immediately feel that they have shut down a valuable and unexpressed part of themselves. In this day and age of blogs and live-video streaming, people think that they have to share with the world what they have created, and that doesn't have to be the case. You can be a creative person just for yourself.

Following are some online courses I have chosen in the category of art and writing. I think you will find one that appeals to you, and I know you will find your life more enriched and fulfilling. I think out of all the genres of online courses we provide, the creative courses are the most fun and a way to easily access the creative side of yourself. Remember, it is our birthright to create, and that need is found in every human through all the wonderful and diverse ways we celebrate this soul calling.

Heal Yourself with Writing by Catherine Ann Jones. This is an eight-week online course that features focused journaling. Throughout the weeks you will be engaged in exercises designed to facilitate healing and transformation. more info

Create Art for Your Soul by Anne Marie Bennett. This online course is presented every four days for four weeks (seven lessons total). You will be guided through the teacher's process, which is called SoulCollage, and you will be creating with magazine cuttings and glue. Creating your own art landscape is a fun and healing process. This course is especially helpful for those that don't consider themselves artists. more info

Way of Story Writing Course by Catherine Ann Jones. This is a 16-week online course that will teach you how to develop a story for all levels and includes all forms such as plays, screenplays, novels, and stories. Catherine is great at helping you find your voice. more info

Overcoming Creative Anxiety by Eric Maisel. In this eight-week course you will learn to start and complete projects without experiencing that disabling anxiety we can all feel. Learn how to keep your creativity free flowing and not get bogged down. more info

Try doing something this month to express your creativity even if you don't think you are a creative person. Enjoy this most beautiful time of the year, and I will meet you back here again next month.

Be well,

Madisyn Taylor