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Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Look around you and notice five things you find meaningful

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

The Challenge of Chat

I've followed 37 Signals (now Basecamp) and Jason Fried for years. I think they've built an amazing company and have a philosophy on business and life I admire. They've written books, and they blog often. Recently I say a post on chat, which is something that I've struggled with at times. Even before this work-at-home-at-scale experiment we're all living, the challenges of everyone reaching out have weighed on my mind.

Without an office that concentrates many people together, many of us are communicating electronically with our coworkers. We've had email for years, video conferencing is growing in use, but the ability to reach out with live, interactive chats is something that has become commonplace. Whether this is on Slack, Teams, or some other channel, there is some good and bad with the medium. I think the post highlights the bad outweighing the good, and it mentions a few things I hadn't thought about.

I do have Slack running most of the day, and initially I found it to be exhausting and distracting. I think I also knew it might create some implied consensus and lesson deep thought, but it's also been a great quick tool for questions and answers. I often use it to pose a question about how some feature in our product works, not necessarily getting an immediate answer, but also having this work better than email as a developer can pull the question rather than it being pushed to them.

At the same time, there are enough distractions, and having more of them randomly appear throughout my day has been an issue. Over time, I've learned to utilize some of the advice in the piece. I ignore lots of channels and just mark them as read often. I'll take bigger discussions into email or a meeting, and I've learned to not check this all day. I use it at times, but I'm happy to drop out, and even ignore direct messages if I'm concentrating. It helps I have most notifications turned off.

Attention is limited, and like time, it's a valuable resource. As you work alone, there might be more of a need to interact and engage with others, but recognize it for the productivity drain it can be.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

  Featured Contents

Creating a Azure Cosmos DB Account

Deepak Prasad Sahu from SQLServerCentral

Learn how to get started with a CosmosDB account.

Six reasons to version control your database

Additional Articles from Redgate

For most application developers, it’s unthinkable to work without version control. So why is the database any different? This blog lays out 6 clear benefits to applying version control best practice to your database alongside your application.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Deleting packages from SSIS Catalog

Diligentdba 46159 from Mala's Data Blog

I was fortunate to attend a training on SSIS by my good friend and SSIS expert Andy Leonard(b|t). We already use the tool for ETL purposes where I work...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Learner’s Guide to SQL Server Query Tuning

Chad Crawford from LittleKendra

Following on from my Learner’s Guide to SQL Server Performance Triage, I’m tackling Query Tuning. In this guide, I’m experimenting with an outline style rather than expanding each paragraph....


  Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Changing the DMK Password

I have a database on one of my SQL Server 2017 instances with a Database Master Key (DMK). I do not know the password, as someone else created this. How do I reset this password?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



  Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)


I am exploring the use of the COUNTROWS() function in DAX. Which of these is true about the function?

Answer: This counts the rows in a table or the table result from an expression

Explanation: COUNTROWS() works on a table or table result of an expression. Ref: COUNTROWS( ) -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Development
Search All Tables for a specific Value & return the location - Hi Forum, I need to find a Value in a database and have seen some useful code to do this. The only thig is there's littl explanation on how to use it or how it works. Note this helpful link HOW TO FIND A VALUE IN ALL COLUMN OF ALL TABLE IN A db. My […]
SQL Server 2016 - Administration
replication error - we configured  transactional replication  with  account as sql user having sysadmin on sql , but when we tried to run the job getting error Step 1 failedreason: The LogReader subsystem failed to load [see the SQLAGENT.OUT file for details]; The job has been suspended). The step failed.'   How to slove this error ?
Windows update on Virtual SQL Server 2016. - We have a Virtual Server with Windows Server 2012 & SQL 2016 installed on it. When we restart the server to apply windows updates we find that we get logged off the rdp session but the server is still available as it is being monitored via SentryOne, during this time we receive reply on ping. […]
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
Self join / row_number() partition number generation based multiple status - Thanks in Advance:) Whenever there is a change in Status or Comment for name_id then we need to consider that record Attached sample data excel with output Table1 data
SSIS Implementation - Hi We would like to implement SSIS Jobs in our new environment for the Data Loading. I am little new to the Environment/capacity planning. So I would need suggestions on how I can implement it. I am aware of the Package creation. Our task here is to load data from CSV/Excel files into Database tables. […]
Network timeout issue with sqlcmd from Linux - Hello experts, Some clients are testing a sqlcmd statement from a Linux host that is trying to run code in a SQL Server database on a Windows host. However, they are using the option -D (uppercase 'D'), which I do not see listed in the documentation for the Windows sqlcmd utility. Their goal is to […]
SQL Server 2012 - T-SQL
An issue with an encrription function - Hi, I am trying to get a Microsoft function to work with a variable. Below as you can see I am using the encryptByPassPhrase function. If I put the number in quotes as shown in the first code shown it works great. However, I would like to use a variable, as in the 2nd one, […]
SQL Server 2019 - Development
Using result of previous function call in SQL Server... or any better idea - I use a recursive CTE ;WITH cte ( -- anchor UNION ALL -- recursive parte ) SELECT * INTO #ReservaREBAtivos FROM cte OPTION(MAXRECURSION 0);?   to get this sample rowset then I use the following query to return the data from the temp table create: SELECT Chave ,Ano ,Idade ,qx ,qy ,qxi ,ix ,vx ,vx_pec […]
How to get column names in the row wise along with their values -
nvarchar - int comparisions - I have an nvarchar column size which has values like 1200 MB How do I compare in a where clause : where size > 1000 in a select clause and get the relevant results Cannot redefine column to int or any other datatype. Thanks
How can I determine relationships or dependencies between tables or queries? - Hello everybody I have inherited a very large database with really many tables, queries and countless stored procedures (SP). There is also no ER model created. Tables and queries are used in SP and are related to each other. And now my question: How can I determine relationships or dependencies between tables or queries? Or […]
SQL Server 2008 - General
Memory Pressure alleviate with proper indexing ? - Dear friends: SQL Server physical machine, critical services, overloaded with several requests, some partitioned tables, although non aligned indexes exist, other indexes appears that are not wiseley choosen, my question is how indexing could help alleviate memory pressure counters or make worst the problem. Thanks for your help and ideas
How to prevent access with TDE ... one user wants to access on the fly. - if we want ensure no one else access database and only app user can get connect. Please suggest options to use on the fly / network along with data need to encrypt.....
Integration Services
Export dtx package but doesnt work on SQL Agent - Hello, So I am trying to get this simple SSIS package to work on SSISDB, it has 1 variable called SheetName, a foreach loop, and within the foreach loop has a data flow task and the foreach loop is using schema rowset Enumerator. The purpose of this is to get an excel file from […]
COVID-19 Pandemic
Daily Coping 11 May 2020 - Today’s tip is tell someone about why your favorite music means a lot to you. My thoughts:


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