Hi John! Looking for a playful way to stretch my creativity, I looked around my workspace for inspiration. My eyes landed on a little box that one of my kids stores mini sculptures in. Hmmm, perhaps I could trace it, then fill the shapes with a mini masterpiece. I placed in on the page but the shape was wrong, and it felt too big. My eyes darted around the table for something else: I considered a cup for a circle, a ceramic box for a rectangle... ...and then I spotted the box of mints! I present this idea to you if you'd like to give it a try, too... The steps are simple:
Iteration will free you up to experiment without such a nagging feeling of perfectionism creeping in. With so many shapes to play around with, each one can feel less precious than it would if I were working on a single large sheet of paper. At least that is my experience. Does this look like fun to you? I'm considering offering some workshops or classes and wondering if or how this could be helpful. Would you be interested in a video or live tutorial to walk you through all the steps? If you have a chance, let me know where you're getting stuck. Playing off the grid, Rachelle PS: Here are 3 more resources you might enjoy: