Hi, Rachelle here...

How is your week going? I've had one foot in the world of end-of-school-year madness and the other foot dipping ever-so-slightly into a summer mindset.

I organized our art supplies last weekend and thought you might like to have a peek. See #1 below for a link to more on this :)

Here are some artsy/parenting/creativity ideas I thought you might enjoy:

1. Organize paint supplies for kids. I'm organizing our paint supplies on our art carts. See the before and after.

2. Words for the soul. A friend gave me a copy of Mary Oliver's Devotions, and every page holds magic. Pop over here for details on this book and three other books I'm reading this week.

3. Did your child came home from school with a mountain of end-of-year artwork? Maybe you're facing a sea of projects and not sure what to do with all of it. Read 7 things you can do with your child's artwork.

4. Mindset shift to deal with overwhelm. I'm in a season of overwhelm with the end of the school year for my kids (and all the activities that surround that). What do we do in these moments? Leo Babauta offers a mindset shift that's been helping me. He asks: "What if you could see every single task as an opportunity — to learn, to grow, to serve? Then it’s a pile of gifts. Opportunity and play, instead of danger. How would it feel if you viewed your life like that?"

5. Prince Louis' Jubilee Antics From Parents Who've Been There. Enjoy this lighthearted collection of tweets on the relatable experience of parenting a 4-year old.

6. Art painted in crosswalks creates safer crossings. Busy intersections are decorated with street painting, which happens to ALSO decrease crashes in the intersection. In a study of 17 asphalt painted sites, following installation there was a 27 percent rise in the rate of motorists yielding to pedestrians, and a 38 percent decline in pedestrians crossing against the walk signal. That's incredible and an idea worth repeating in other towns.

7. Outer Space Freebies for Families. If your child is inspired by outer space, NASA has a huge page of freebies to explore this summer.

8. What's inspiring you? Will you email me back or tell me about it here. I'd love to hear from you.

Warm wishes,

Rachelle Doorley

Founder, TinkerLab

Read my books: TinkerLab: A Hands-on Guide for Little Inventors + Creative Adventures in Cursive

Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tinkerlab/