“Please take care of my child. I don’t know where they are right now.”
That’s the message spoken by parents who are imprisoned around the world.
While incarceration always separates children from their parents, this separation can be devastating and life-threatening for children in impoverished countries. These countries have little or no social infrastructure, which means that children as young as three are suddenly on their own, often with no warning, left to fend for themselves. Or, an elderly grandparent has to go back to hard, manual labor jobs to shoulder the burden of caring for that child on their own. These children are especially vulnerable to sexual exploitation, forced labor, and involvement in trafficking. With an incarcerated parent, many repeat the cycle of crime.
And worse yet, these children aren’t connected with a local church, which means that many nonprofits struggle to find them and help them.
But there’s a way that caring Christians like you can help these vulnerable children.
Prison Fellowship International connects with the children of prisoners all over the world because they are in prisons, sharing the Good News of the Gospel with their parents. They reach out and support these children, whose parents are often desperate for help and seek to connect them with a loving Christian who will provide for their basic needs.
Help us demonstrate the love of God to these kids by taking part in caring for their needs. Children like Christian and Sreypov are waiting for sponsors. Will you help them find their way out of poverty and have hope for the future? Hebrews 13:3 (NIV) instructs us to “Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” Child sponsorship through Prison Fellowship International is one way to do that.
Click here to see these children and learn how you can help.