Pet Tips (April 15, 2019)

Remembering Happy, leash training a cat, and more await you in this issue. What can you share to help or delight other pet owners?

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Today's Featured Post

Crocheted Catnip Mouse and Bunny Toys

With some scrap yarn and a little time, you can make this catnip mouse and bunny for your kitty. This guide is about crocheted catnip mouse and bunny toys.

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Today's Guides
DIY Outdoor Plastic Bottle Handwashing Station
DIY Outdoor Plastic Bottle Handwashing Station - hand under a stream of water
Peanut Butter Dog Cookies as Gifts
Peanut Butter Dog Cookies as Gifts
Finding a Holistic Veterinarian In Your Area
A holistic vet using a pendulum on a depressed dog.
Plott Hound Breed Photos and Information
Plott Hound
Tips for Truck Driver's and Their Pets
Truck Driver and His Dog
Today's Posts

In Memory of Happy (Yorkshire Terrier)

By Nicole B.

In Memory of Happy (Yorkshire Terrier) - person holding HappyI bought him from a person who had a beautiful litter of puppies. I got him when my children were young for a family pet. His favourite things were snacks, going on road trips with his grandfather, and taking naps.

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Walking Your Cat With a Leash

A black cat that enjoys being walked on a leash.When putting a cat, or kitten outside it's best to get a leash. Many cats and kittens have been stolen, hurt, hit by cars or they run away. My cat Molly has always been walked with a leash and she loves it.

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Make Your Own Bird Seed
Make your own bird seed by saving the pulp and seeds from squash and other vegetables and spread it thinly on a plate or tray.
Make Your Pets Bath Water Do Double Duty
When bathing your pets, do it outside on the lawn or near plants that need watering.

Answer Questions and Earn!

We are giving away $200 in Amazon gift cards (US only) for people who answer recent questions on ThriftyFun this month! Gift cards will be awarded to the top ten users who answer the most questions this month. Prizes will be awarded as follows: 1st - $50, 2nd - $40, 3rd - $30, 4th - $20, and 5th to 10th - $10.

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Today's Questions
Finch Is Not Laying Eggs
My finch has laid one egg which they busted, but that was months ago. She hasn't laid anything else since; why? Their nest is complete, they have plenty of food and water and they have this huge cage to themselves.
What Breed Is My Dog?
What Breed Is My Dog? - black puppy with white on chest
Dog Peeing on Concrete Rather than Grass
We have a doggie door that leads out onto the concrete entrance to our back door that has a dog run attached. How do I get my dog to stop going to the bathroom on the concrete and use the grassy area instead. She only does this when we are at work. She doesn't do it if we are at home. I have been spraying the concrete with bleach or dog urine odor remover, but hasn't phased her in the least.
Identifying Dog Ear Problems
How do know if your dog has a ear infection or if it's something more like ear mites? What is the best way to treat this?
Yorkie Randomly Shaking
I have a 7 yr old Yorkie and sometimes his body just starts to shake for no reason. He has done this a few times before (out of the blue). I have gone to him, petted and held him to let him know everything is OK. He just did it again today. He was outside in the yard, and just awaiting for us to open and door and he just started shaking.
Other Cats Spraying Outside My Door
I have a female spayed cat who is kept indoors, but I'm constantly faced with the smell of other cat pee outside my front door. What can I do?
Younger Cat Aggressive Towards Older Sickly Cat
Joanie, a 6 month old kitten, has been ours since she was 4 weeks old. She's constantly attacking and bullying our old sickly cat Sammy. We have to either supervise them if they are in a room together or separate them. Joanie has lots of toys & gets lots of attention. We have 3 fountains and several food stations. She won't leave him alone. Any suggestions?
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