April 21, 2021 • Vol. 19 Issue 16


Hi John,

On April 28th Scott Robley will lead a free webinar on influence and change management for changing times. Save your seat below after learning how to make one mental shift for less stress in your life, speak up against stereotyping, and determine whether you've been discriminated against because of your age. Enjoy.


Q&A: Crucial Conversations
Joseph Grenny

How to Know if You're Experiencing Age Discrimination

While it may be ok for your employer to ask if you have retirement plans and gather information to plan for legitimate staffing needs, they have no right to pressure you to retire or discriminate because you are of an age where retirement is an option, explains Joseph Grenny. Here's what you can do to determine whether you've been a victim of age discrimination in the workplace.


One Productive Minute

A Paradigm Shift to Prevent Stress

Do you ever find yourself resenting your boss, your employer, or your coworkers for all the stress that YOU feel, as though they're the cause? If so, you're not alone. And 60 seconds with Justin might help.


How Do I Say That?

How to Speak Up Against Stereotyping

Maria Moss shares a few ideas for how to speak up when you witness stereotyping at work. Crucial Conversations can give you both the skills and confidence you need to bring awareness to the behavior and prevent it in the future.




The Key to Leading Change is Changing the Way You Lead

The great challenge of leadership is influencing others when they are resistant to change. Join us for a free webinar on April 28 and learn how you can better influence those around so you can get better results—particularly when it's difficult to do so.


"I can win an argument on any topic, against any opponent. People know this, and steer clear of me at parties. Often, as a sign of their great respect, they don't even invite me."

Dave Barry


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