May 12, 2021 • Vol. 19 Issue 19


Hi John,

On May 25th Emily Gregory and Justin Hale will lead a free webinar on how to have a crucial conversation over Zoom. Or FaceTime. Or Slack. Register to attend "Distance is Destroying Dialogue" and learn skills for communicating virtually—just click the button below. If you can't attend live, we'll send you a recording.

In this week's Q&A, Justin Hale answers a reader question about managing an employee resistant to change and we feature videos entitled How to Ask for a Raise and How to Do Less Work, in that order. Unintentionally. Our producers are not without humor it seems.


Q&A: Crucial Accountability
Justin Hale

How to Manage Someone Resistant to Change

An old proverb says you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. Sage advice. But not as useful as this advice from Justin Hale.


How Do I Say That?

How to Ask for a Raise

How do you ask for increased pay without sounding ungrateful, greedy, or gauche? Joseph Grenny has some ideas.


One Productive Minute

How to Do Less Work

Whenever you receive a simple request or task, you may be tempted to do it even if it's not your responsibility. Not so fast, suggests Justin Hale.



Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect.

Samuel Johnson


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