TODAY'S TOP STORIES - June 27, 2017

GOP Health Care Plan Crushes Working-Class Blacks and Whites, but Not the Middle-Class Whites Who Elected Trump

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Contrary to the media narrative, wealthier whites, not poorer ones, formed the GOP’s 2016 voter base. READ MORE»

Seymour Hersh Casts Doubt on Reported Syrian Gas Attack

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

Claims Trump ignored U.S. intelligence reports of a conventional attack while ordering meaningless military action. READ MORE»

Cops Killing Blacks Has Come to Be Expected

By Celisa Calacal, AlterNet

The law seems to operate on behalf of police officers rather than the people they are sworn to serve. READ MORE»

Why Isn’t Big Pharma Paying for the Harm It Caused Like Big Tobacco?

By Martha Rosenberg, Intrepid Report

They got their claws in the opioid crisis and are milking it for all it's worth. READ MORE»

America in Crisis: Is a Second Civil War in the Making?

History News Network

One of the most demoralizing things about America today is the feeling that we are separating into “two nations." READ MORE»

The 10 Most Contaminated Foods in Your Fridge You Need to Trash Right Now—and Healthier Alternatives

By Annie B. Bond, AlterNet

Reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals by replacing some of the toxic foods lurking in your fridge. READ MORE»

As Recycling Declines and Centers Close, the Homeless Are Really Screwed

By Anna Sanford, AlterNet

People who redeem recyclables as their source of income are in a difficult situation. READ MORE»

Settlements: The Real Story

By Gershom Gorenberg, The American Prospect

Fifty years after the Six-Day War, a mistaken account of how settlement began still plagues Israeli politics. READ MORE»

Would You Believe It? TSA Is Requiring You to Pull Out Every Piece of Paper in Your Bags

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

The ACLU believes the policy likely violates passengers' First Amendment rights. READ MORE»

Latest DeVos Worry: Ignoring Anti-Discrimination Laws Protecting LGBTQ Students

By Jeff Bryant, Education Opportunity Network

Department's new civil rights chief also has "denounced feminism and race-based preferences.”  READ MORE»

World of Winless War: U.S. Special Ops Forces Already Deployed to 137 Nations in 2017

By Nick Turse, TomDispatch

We're dealing with a political and military establishment that often appears bereft of strategic vision and hasn’t won a major war since the 1940s.  READ MORE»

Legalizing Marijuana Dramatically Reduces Traffic Stop Searches

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

When weed is legal, cops have one less reason to search. That's one less opportunity for a potentially lethal confrontation.  READ MORE»

Can Tiny Qatar Keep Defying Its Powerful Neighbors? It May Be up to Washington

By Nader Habibi, The Conversation

Apart from President Trump’s tweet burst, the U.S. government has given diplomatic breathing room to Qatar. READ MORE»

Here Are 5 Things You Should Know About the Trial for America's 'Toughest Sheriff' Joe Arpaio

By Sarah K. Burris, Raw Story

He could end up in jail for six months unless Trump pardons him. READ MORE»

More Than 100 Federal Agencies Fail to Report Hate Crimes to the FBI’s National Database

By A.C. Thompson, Ken Schwencke, ProPublica

The gaps in data damage efforts to understand the nature and scope of violence driven by racial and religious hatred. READ MORE»

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