PETA E-News: Animal Rights News, Ways to Take Action for Animals, Inspirational Videos, and More!



Horse Racing Industry

Urge Horse-Racing Hall of Fame Not to Nominate Unscrupulous Trainer!

Thoroughbred horse trainer Steve Asmussen was fined $10,000 for chronically medicating horses in order to enhance their performance and mask injuries. His name was pulled from the Hall of Fame nomination list in 2014 and 2015—let's make sure that it's pulled again this year.

Easter Eggs

The Truth Behind Easter Eggs May Ruin Your Childhood Memories

It may seem harmless, but it's not …


How Many Lambs Will Die This Spring?

Newborn lambs often die from exposure, malnutrition, or disease in their first few days of life, and after just 10 short weeks, many of the male survivors are slaughtered for the flesh that will be on many tables this Easter. Lambs—and all animals—deserve better than this. Will you help our work to stop their suffering?

Walrus in Captivity

VIDEO: It's Not Just Orcas Who Suffer at SeaWorld

SeaWorld may be ending its infamous orca-breeding program, but what about all the other animals imprisoned and bred at SeaWorld?

Elephant Being Broken Before Giving Rides

Elephants Pay the Ultimate Price for Tourists' Selfies

Imagine being broken down and beaten almost your entire life …

French Toast Casserole

The Easy Brunch Menu You Should Make for Easter This Year

We dare you to say "tiramis pancakes, deviled potatoes, and glazed cinnamon peach skillet rolls" without drooling. And the vegan Cadbury Eggs copycat recipe is PERFECTION.

Cruel Tiger Trainer

CBS Cancels Plans to Hire Abusive Tiger Trainer After Seeing THIS

After PETA learned that a CBS TV show was in talks to hire animal trainer Michael Hackenberger, we showed the network footage of him whipping a cowering tiger up to 20 times in a row.


Tilikum, the Famous Orca From the Documentary Blackfish, Remains Critically Ill

What's plaguing one of the longest suffering orcas in captivity? PETA explains it all here.

Armani Going Fur-Free

Victory! Armani Dumps Fur From All Its Brands

We've been pushing for years to help make this happen, and it's a REALLY big deal.

Urgent Action Needed

bullet Urge Orthodontists to Stop Supporting SeaWorld
bullet Ask the University of Houston–Clear Lake to STOP Abusing Animals in Classroom Labs
bullet URGENT: Tell Miami Springs to Halt Raccoon Massacre
bullet Tell Congress to End Military Trauma Training on Animals