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CSB - U.S. CHEMICAL SAFETY BOARD -- An independent federal agency investigating chemical accidents to protect workers, the public, and the environment

CSB Releases FY 2021 Impact Report



Washington D.C. October 21, 2021 - Today, the CSB released its FY 2021 Impact Report that outlines agency accomplishments and activities over the last fiscal year. Highlights include the closure of three investigations as well as a record level of recommendations closures and status changes.  

Chairman Lemos said, “The progress the team made in FY 2021 is truly impressive. I look forward to continuing to diligently work towards moving the CSB forward as quickly and transparently as possible."

In particular, the CSB issued 20 new safety recommendations in FY 2021, in comparison to zero during FY 2020. A major focus for the CSB in FY 2021 has been advancing and closing previously issued recommendations, as recommendations are the CSB’s key tool for creating positive safety change.

In FY21, the CSB’s Board voted on 47 recommendation status changes, 41 of
those were closed, 28 of which were closed acceptably. 

The FY 2021 Impact Report also includes information on the five deployments as well as a summary of the many outreach and advocacy events undertaken by the Board.

In addition, in FY 2021, the CSB made a commitment to increase transparency. The agency has demonstrated this through initiating live virtual Board Meetings following completion of investigations. This provides the public with insight into the staff’s investigative process, the facts and analysis, conclusions, and recommendations. Further, the Board’s deliberation occurs in real time. In FY 2021, utilizing this new transparency process, the agency closed three investigations: Aghorn, AB Specialty Silicones and Evergreen Packaging.

Lastly, in FY 2021 the CSB held four virtual Sunshine Act Board Business Meetings which allowed the public to hear updates on the agency’s activities. In FY 2022 the agency is continuing this process and plans to release at least six investigation reports.

For more information, contact Communications Manager Hillary Cohen at

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