CUESA's Weekly E-Letter | August 25, 2017
Civil Pops Grows Young Entrepreneurs
Amid sketches for new branding and merchandise sprawled across the Civil Pops work table, there are three sticky notes with one word written on each: Youthful. Equity. Happiness.
Summer intern Jordan Smith and summer fellow Siya Green explain that these words were the products of a brainstorm around the key questions: "What do we want our customers to see? How do we want them to experience Civil Pops? And what's their takeaway after trying the pop?"

The young entrepreneurs are learning how to market popsicles, but Jordan sees her internship as "more than just a job." In this unique venture, the youth get to bring their own ideas to the table to expand and shape the business, and work together to make the best of those ideas happen.
This Week's Picks
CUESA's Sunday Supper:
A Farm to City Feast
Sunday, October 15 | Don't miss CUESA's 15th Annual Sunday Supper: A Farm to City Feast. Join food lovers, chefs, and farmers at the Ferry Building for a lavish four-course dinner and fundraising gala in support of CUESA's work to cultivate a healthy food system. Get a sneak peek at our stellar lineup of chefs and reserve your seat now.
Another Clucking Farm Tour
Saturday, September 16 | Summer is coming to an end, and what better way to celebrate than with another clucking farm tour. Venture down the coast with us to beautiful Pescadero to visit Fifth Crow Farm and Root Down Farm, two first-generation farms dedicated to humane and sustainable agriculture.
Bella Viva Orchards Bids Farewell
After more than two decades at the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market, Bella Viva Orchards has decided to pull out of all of farmers markets to focus on their organic dried prune business. We will miss the Martino family and their delicious stone fruit, and we wish them the best in this next phase. Last Saturday was their last market day, but you can stay in touch and buy their dried fruit on their website.
Last Chance for Eat Drink SF! 10% Off Grand Tastings
August 24-27 | CUESA is a proud charity partner of Eat Drink SF, SF's premier food and drink festival at Fort Mason Center. Use discount code "CUESA" to receive 10% off the Grand Tastings, where you'll enjoy unlimited tastes and pours from the Bay Area's top restaurants.
Volunteer of the Month:
Mailys Bernier
A love of foreign experiences and passion for sustainability led French grad student Mailys Bernier to intern with CUESA this summer through fall to support CUESA's farmers markets, programs, and fundraising events.
CUESA Is Hiring
CUESA is seeking enthusiastic and qualified candidates who are passionate about local food for two positions: Communications Coordinator and Market Programs Coordinator. Visit our website for details.
Heirloom Tomato Salad
Tomatoes and avocado get a new twist with shiso leaves, nori green goddess dressing, creamy tofu, and cucumber ponzu in this salad from Kevin Schantz of PABU Izakaya.
Upcoming CUESA Programs
Market to Table Demo: Evan Allumbaugh, Flour + Water | Saturday, August 26 | 10:30 am

Market to Table Demo: Nick Rappaport, Luke's Local | Saturday, August 26 | 12:o0 pm

Market to Table Demo: Jason Tuley, Contrada | Saturday, September 2 | 10:30 am

Market to Table Demo: Illyanna Maisonet, EatGordaEat | Saturday, September 2 | 12:00 pm

Seasonal Market Tasting: Stone Fruit | Sunday, August 27 | 11:00 am

Seasonal Market Tasting: Peppers | Sunday, September 3 | 11:00 am
Local Happenings

Agrarian Games | September 16 | Petaluma   
SF Cheese Fest | September 16 | SF 
Eat Real Fest | September 22-24 | Oakland 
Market Update

This is the most up-to-date info about this week's seller attendance at the time of publication. Please stop by the CUESA Info Booth for a market map or check online for any last-minute changes.
New! City Bees (back plaza) 
Returning: Brookside Orchids, Flying Disc Ranch, Mountain Ranch Organically Grown
Out: Apple Farm, Bella Viva Orchards (permanently), Della Fattoria, Rasoi, St. Benoit Creamery, Triple J Cellars, Washoe Valley Duck Farm 
New! Roti
Planting Justice, Skyelark Ranch, Triple J Cellars
Out: Casa Rosa Farms, Delicious Kettle Corn, Lucky Dog Hot Sauce 
Out: Rasoi, Wise Sons Jewish Delicatessen (permanently) 
Ferry Plaza Farmers Market: Thursday | August 31
No changes
CUESA, 1 Ferry Building, Suite 50, San Francisco, CA 94111
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