CUESA's Weekly E-Letter | March 23, 2018
Programs That Protect and Empower Farmworkers
The United States is home to approximately three million farmworkers who dedicate their days to cultivating crops and harvesting our food. Out of those three million, 72 percent are foreign-born, and almost 70 percent of those people are from Mexico.
In honor of National Farmworker Awareness Week (March 24-31) and Cesar Chavez's birthday on March 31, we wanted to bring attention to the vital community of farmworkers we all depend on to bring food to our tables. Here are a few organizations and programs that empower and protect our farmworkers.
This Week's Picks
New to Jack London Square:
Urban Organics
Join us in welcoming Urban Organics to the the Sunday Jack London Square Farmers Market! Adrian Mondragon started farming with his father 20 years ago, and they pride themselves on growing a diversified selection of organic berries, vegetables, and stone fruit in Watsonville.
Women Movers & Shakers: Spring Cocktails of the Farmers Market
Wednesday, April 18 | Women are shaking up the world of food and drink, calling the shots in restaurants, in bars, and on the farm. Join CUESA and the United States Bartenders Guild for an evening of handcrafted sips and bites from an all-women lineup of bartenders and chefs.
Volunteer Orientation at Jack London Square Farmers Market
This Sunday, March 25 | Make friends, gain valuable skills, and give back to your community by volunteering at Jack London Square Farmers Market! Learn how to get involved at our markets, education programs, and events at our new volunteer orientation this Sunday.
Volunteer of the Month:
Valentina Fung
Food is Val's happy place, which is why she volunteers to support CUESA's markets and programs. "I love that I get to interact with people from different walks of life at CUESA," says Val.
Mission Community Market Opens on April 5
Thursday, April 5 | Mission Community Market returns on Thursday, April 5, 4-8pm! Join the Mission community and CUESA (the market's new operator) in celebrating the first market of the season with a festive evening of good food, live music, family fun, and more.
Kuku Sabzi
Oyna Natural Foods shares her recipe for kuku sabzi, a Persian-style frittata with herbs, walnuts, and barberries, often served for Persian New Year. You can also try Oyna's kuku at our Saturday farmers market.
Upcoming CUESA Programs
Market to Table Demo: Cameron Stauch, author of Vegetarian Việt Nam| Saturday, March 24 | 10:30 am 

Spring Fling at Jack London Square Farmers Market with kids activities, music, and more | Sunday, March 25 
Seasonal Market Tasting: Berries | Sunday, March 25 | 11:30 am

Jack London Square Farmers Market Closed for Easter | Sunday, April 1
Local Happenings
Market Update

This is the most up-to-date info about this week's seller attendance at the time of publication. Please stop by the CUESA Info Booth for a market map or check online for any last-minute changes.
Returning: Hayes Street Grill, Mountain Ranch Organically Grown
Out: Blosson Bluff Orchards, Capay Mills, Devoto Gardens, G.L, Alfieri Farms, June Taylor Company, Triple J Cellars (permanently)

New! Urban Organics
Casa Rosa Farms
Last day: Red Bay Coffee
Out: Country Grill, The Sharp Brothers

New! Green Thumb Organics Farms
Returning: Rasoi, Snyders Honey

Returning: Liba, Moua's Farm, Rojas Farm
Last day:
Red Bay Coffee