CUESA's Weekly E-Letter | March 16, 2018
Oyna Natural Foods Brings Persian Culture and Kuku to the Bay Area
Business partners and lifemates Aisan Hoss and Mehdi Parnia had no intention of going into the food business when they first left Iran. As a dancer and a civil engineer respectively, Aisan and Mehdi immigrated to the United States with hopes of finding a welcoming place to call home. But with a shared love for the food of their homeland, they wound up embarking on a mission to bring Persian cuisine to the Bay Area, starting with kuku.
This Week's Picks
New on Tuesdays:
Green Thumb Organics Farms
Join us in welcoming Green Thumb Organics Farms to Ferry Plaza Farmers Market on Tuesdays! Rudy Jimenez grows organic vegetables, berries, and flowers in the heart of Salinas, with a mission to support food justice and future farmers.
How the Farmers Market Made the Ferry Building a Worldwide Destination
This year CUESA celebrates 25 years since the opening of the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market, and the Ferry Building celebrates the 15 years since its rebirth as a food destination. Read about the deep connections between the farmers market and the building in the San Francisco Chronicle.
Women Movers & Shakers: Spring Cocktails of the Farmers Market
Wednesday, April 18 | Women are shaking up the world of food and drink, calling the shots in restaurants, in bars, and on the farm. Join CUESA and the United States Bartenders Guild for an evening of handcrafted sips and bites from an all-women lineup of bartenders and chefs.
Volunteer Orientation at Jack London Square Farmers Market
Sunday, March 25 | Make friends, gain valuable skills, and give back to your community by volunteering at Jack London Square Farmers Market! Learn how to get involved at our markets, education programs, and events.
Warm-Me-Up Soup
Cold and rain make for soup weather. Use this basic soup recipe and choose a variety of vegetables in the market, such as purple carrots, parsnips, and leafy greens, to create a comforting, colorful, and belly-warming pot. 
Upcoming CUESA Programs

Seasonal Market Tasting: Berries | Sunday, March 25 | 11:30 am

Jack London Square Farmers Market Closed for Easter | Sunday, April 1
Local Happenings
Locavore Landmarks of Alameda | March 17 | Alameda

Rural Justice Summit | March 21 | Merced
Edible Education 101 | Wednesdays through April 18 | Berkeley and online 
Market Update

This is the most up-to-date info about this week's seller attendance at the time of publication. Please stop by the CUESA Info Booth for a market map or check online for any last-minute changes.
Returning: Peach Farm, Triple J Cellars, Zuckerman's Farm
Out: Capay Mills, Devoto Gardens & Orchards, Hayes Street Grill, Mountain Ranch Organically Grown

New! Urban Organics
 Casa Rosa Farms, The Sharp Brothers
Community tent: LGBTQ Community Center

New! Green Thumb Organics Farms

No changes