CUESA's Weekly E-Letter | December 29, 2017
Thank You from Your Friends at CUESA
The CUESA team wishes you a happy New Year, filled with the things that truly nourish us: good food, good health, and good friends. As we look back on this challenging year and the hard-won progress we have made together, we could not be more grateful for you, our community of friends, allies, and supporters.
Whether you loyally support our farmers at the farmers market each week, volunteer your time teaching kids to cook, or generously donate to our free public education programs, you are actively creating a sustainable food system: one that values community health over corporate greed, and planet over profits. Together, we are creating a world in which everyone has access to nourishing fruits and vegetables, every child loves cooking and eating fresh produce, and our farmers and farmworkers are valued for the vital labor they do to bring food to our tables. Without you, a healthy future would not be possible.
2018 will be an exciting year for the CUESA community, as we celebrate 25 years of transforming the food system. Thank you for being a part of this change and growing the healthy world we want to see now, and for the next 25 years. There is much work ahead, and we could not ask for better partners in this effort. Thank you!
This Week's Picks
Pomelos  |   Radishes  |   Leeks  |  Golden beets  |  Almond butter  |  Oyster mushrooms  |  Carrots  |  Brown rice  |  Collard greens  |  Pomegranate juice
Just 3 Days to Go!
Help Us Reach Our Year-End Fundraising Goal
You have the power to build a sustainable food system that works: one that makes fresh food available to all, supports the farmers bringing food to our tables, and empowers youth to live healthy lives. Ensure that the food movement forges ahead in 2018. With your support, we've raised $22,000 toward our year-end goal of $25,000. Support healthy food, farms, and families with a gift to CUESA today.
Holiday Market Schedule
The Ferry Plaza Farmers Market is open this weekend for all your New Year's celebration needs. Jack London Square Farmers Market is CLOSED this Sunday, December 31, returning on January 7. Happy holidays from CUESA!
Paws & Pours:
Winter Cocktails of the Farmers Market
Wednesday, January 31 | Bottoms pup! CUESA and the USBG welcome you to a warm and cuddly Winter Cocktails of the Farmers Market, in partnership with the San Francisco SPCA. Buy your tickets now, or purchase a season pass to all three 2018 cocktail nights to save money and receive special perks.
New Volunteer Orientation
Wednesday, January 10 | Resolve to give back to your community in 2018! Meet our staff and enjoy farmers market snacks while learning about the many ways you can get involved at our farmers markets, education programs, and events.
Volunteers of the Month: Kristen Sinclair and Sarah Hawthorne
With dedication and can-do spirit, our dynamic Foodwise Kids intern duo Kristen and Sarah have inspired hundreds of young farmers market visitors to love fresh fruits and vegetables.
Brunkager (Danish Ginger Crisps)
Nichole Accettola from Kantine shares her recipe for a traditional holiday treat featuring ground ginger, cinnamon, and candied orange peels. 
Upcoming CUESA Programs
Cooking programs at the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market and Jack London Square Farmers Market are on winter hiatus, returning in January 6, 2018.
Local Happenings
Film Screening: Evolution of Organic | January 11 | Alameda  
"Take Root: Oakland Grows Food" Exhibit at OMCA | Through January 13 | Oakland 
Good Food Awards Weekend | January 19-21 | SF   
Winter Fancy Food Show | January 21-23 | SF 
EcoFarm Conference | January 24-27 | Pacific Grove   
Market Update

This is the most up-to-date info about this week's seller attendance at the time of publication. Please stop by the CUESA Info Booth for a market map or check online for any last-minute changes.
In: Batter Bakery, Highwire Coffee, Knoll Farms, Tomales Farmstead Creamery
Out: Almanac Beer Co., Bariani Olive Oil, Brookside Orchids, K&J Orchards, McGinnis Ranch, Mountain Ranch Organically Grown, Olsen Organic Farm, Point Reyes Farmstead Cheese Company, Saint Benoit Creamery, Stemple Creek Ranch (permanently), Three Babes Bakeshop, Triple J Cellars


Out: McGinnis Ranch, Happy Quail Farms (for the season on Tuesdays)

Out: City Bees, Ground Stew Farms, Liba