CUESA's Weekly E-Letter | January 5, 2018
Resolved to Volunteer in the New Year? Support These Bay Area Food Organizations
The New Year is often a time for food resolutions, like cooking at home more or eating less meat. You can also channel that energy into your community by volunteering your time and talents to support the good food movement. The Bay Area is filled with hard-working organizations that rely on volunteers to alleviate hunger, prevent food waste, and empower people to take their health into their own hands.

Whether you're getting your hands dirty in the soil, sharing cooking knowledge, or delivering meals to people in need, you can make a difference, gaining new skills, and make friends who also have a passion for good food as a volunteer. Here are a dozen Bay Area organizations that rely on volunteers to advance food justice and transform our food system for the better.
This Week's Picks
Kishu mandarins  |  Cabbage  |  Kiwi  |  Curly kale  |  Punterelle  |  Red sunchokes  |  Broccoli  |  Fennel  |  Pepper cress  |  White miso
Thank You for Helping Us Reach Our Fundraising Goal
You did it! Thank you to everyone who gave so generously to our year-end fundraising campaign. We exceeded our goal and raised $28,450 for education programs like Foodwise Kids and Schoolyard to Market. Watch this video to see how you are transforming our food system for the better and helping youth in our community live the healthy lives they deserve.
Jack London Square Farmers Market Is Back
We've missed you! After a holiday hiatus, Jack London Square Farmers Market is back to its regular weekly schedule starting this Sunday, January 7. Get a healthy start in the New Year by stocking up on fresh produce from local farmers.
New Volunteer Orientation
Wednesday, January 10 | Resolve to give back to your community in 2018! Meet our staff and enjoy farmers market snacks while learning about the many ways you can get involved at our farmers markets, education programs, and events.
Paws & Pours:
Winter Cocktails of the Farmers Market
Wednesday, January 31 | Bottoms pup! CUESA and the USBG welcome you to a warm and cuddly Winter Cocktails of the Farmers Market, in partnership with the San Francisco SPCA. Buy your tickets now, or purchase a season pass to all three 2018 cocktail nights to save money and receive special perks.
Winter Vegetable Paella
Winter cuisine can be more than broths and soups. Mat Schuster of Canela Bistro & Wine Bar shares his winter version of this traditional Spanish dish, using winter squash, kale, fennel, and saffron. 
Upcoming CUESA Programs
Visit Oakland Pop-Up: Flavors of Oakland | Sunday, January 7 | 10:00 am
Local Happenings
Film Screening: Evolution of Organic | January 11 | Alameda   
NightLife: Fungus Among Us | January 11 | SF 
"Take Root: Oakland Grows Food" Exhibit at OMCA | Now through January 13 | Oakland 
Good Food Awards | January 19-21 | SF   
Winter Fancy Food Show | January 21-23 | SF 
EcoFarm Conference | January 24-27 | Pacific Grove   
Market Update

This is the most up-to-date info about this week's seller attendance at the time of publication. Please stop by the CUESA Info Booth for a market map or check online for any last-minute changes.
In: Almanac Beer Co., Bariani Olive Oil, Brokaw Ranch (with citrus, white guava, and kiwi), K&J Orchards, McGinnis Ranch, Olsen Organic Farm, Point Reyes Farmstead Cheese Company, Root Down Farm, Saint Benoit Creamery, Three Babes Bakeshop, Triple J Cellars
Winter Pop-Up through April: Oya Organics (front plaza)
Out: Brookside Orchids, Devoto Gardens & Orchards, Downtown Bakery, Glashoff Farms (until late February), Knoll Farms, Peach Farm (for the season), Mountain Ranch Organically Grown

In: The Sharp Brothers, Ground Stew Farms
Out: Charlie Clark's Smoked Fish, Swank Farms

In: Iacopi Farms, Marla Bakery, McGinnis Ranch,  Namu
Out: Snyders Honey

In: Ground Stew Farms
Out: Liba