Leadership & Careers
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 March 29, 2017


How to Find the Right Fit in IT Hiring
When it comes to hiring IT professionals, technical skills are important, but don't overlook the culture match.
Can Virtual Companies Scale?
A lot of firms start out as virtual companies, but as they grow, they move into office space. It turns out there are advantages to staying virtual, however. We explain some of them.
Creating the Cloud Learning Platform of the Future
When an RFP returned high-cost bids for the work, the University of Maryland University College opted for an in-house approach to building a cloud-based school.
Seven Essential Steps for Transitioning to Enterprise DevOps
If you are thinking about doing DevOps also think in terms of starting small, getting executive buy-in, and not reinventing the wheel.
Maritz IT's Journey: From Sinkhole to Full Business Partner
Gerry Imhoff knew things had to change, but it would need to be a culture change, not a new generation of technology.
4 Reasons CIOs Need to Attend Interop ITX
If you're a CIO that's staying behind while your team attends Interop ITX this year, here's what you'll be missing.

8 Non-Tech Skills IT Pros Need To Succeed

Communication and active listening don't normally come to mind when thinking of top skills for IT pros, but these "soft skills" can make a tremendous difference in building a successful career.



  • NGES (Next Gen Endpoint Security): Tips & Key Considerations for Evaluating Solutions

    Next generation endpoint security (NGES) is one of the hottest topics in today's cybersecurity market, and for good reason. Traditional preventative measures alone offer insufficient endpoint protection - causing an influx of vendors offering NGES. While the market is relatively ...

  • How To Turn Your Data Into Dollars

    Organizations are swamped with data in the form of web traffic, ERP systems, CRM systems, point of sale data, and more. How do you turn that giant heap of data to an organized, integrated insight-generating machine? How do you turn ...



Gartner's 10 Tech Predictions That Will Change IT
During its recent Symposium ITXpo, Gartner released predictions about the future of technology for IT departments and users. Here's a look at those predictions and what they might mean for you and your organization.

10 Best US Cities For Tech Jobs In 2016
Glassdoor recently released its report on the best cities for jobs in 2016 based on factors including cost of living, job satisfaction, and work-life balance. Which of these cities on its list are best for IT pros? We take a look.

10 Strategic Tech Trends For 2017: Gartner
At the Gartner Symposium and ITxpo, Gartner released its annual list of the top 10 strategic trends. Are you planning for the right technology in your organization?

9 Raspberry Pi Projects For Your Summer Vacation
The right Raspberry Pi project can make the summer fun and educational. Here are nine possibilities that fit the bill.

10 Factors Determining Data Pro Salaries
O'Reilly Media's 4th annual survey of data professionals looks at tools, languages, gender, geographies, and a host of other factors that are predictors in terms of how much data workers can expect to earn. Where do you fit?


8 Business Benefits of Adopting DevOps



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