Plus, why the Tories keep winning in Britain, and more...
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March 17, 2021
How The New York Times Blew the Cuomo Story

The paper of record is only now realizing that the governor it glorified for the past year may not be not fit to serve.

By Osita Nwanevu / Add to Pocket


Mitch McConnell Doesn’t Care About Saving the Senate He warned of a “scorched-earth Senate” if Democrats kill the filibuster. But that future is already here—thanks largely to him.By Matt Ford / Add to Pocket
Break up the Telecom Giants Verizon and AT&T hold the keys to the internet for millions of Americans—and have enough power, online and off, to be just as worthy of scrutiny as the social media giants.By Osita Nwanevu / Add to Pocket
The Cousinhood That Still Rules Britain Why do the Tories keep winning?The Politics of Everything Podcast Hosted By Laura Marsh and Alex Pareene / Add to Pocket


The Right’s Fight Against LGBTQ Rights Is More Than a Culture War The power to control people’s lives through institutionalized bias, stigma, and violence is key to the Republican project. That’s why they hate the Equality Act.By Melissa Gira Grant / Add to Pocket
Tucker Carlson Is Leading the Anti-Vax Right The Fox News host has made skepticism about the Covid-19 vaccine part of his larger narrative about cancel culture and elites.By Alex Shephard / Add to Pocket
The Lost Plan for a Black Utopian Town Soul City in North Carolina was designed to build Black wealth and address racial injustice. Then its opponents lined up.By Divya Subramanian / Add to Pocket


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