June 24, 2020
Dear Valued Reader,

I've had several readers write in about Frank Curzio's latest "shot with incredible new police weapon" teaser pitch, and many of you will already be familiar with the name -- it's a stock he has touted several times over the past year, but the story has changed a big in the past few months... just click below to...

If inflation is a quiet thief, then deflation is an armed burglar. You wouldn't invite either into your home, yet chances are that one of the two is stealing your money right now.

Here's the good news: You can protect yourself, but only if you know which villain to prepare for.

And, while the usual suspects failed to anticipate the major component of deflation, EWI president Robert Prechter set the stage early for its arrival in his 2002 book Conquer the Crash (Third Edition: 2014). There in Chapter 9 Bob outlined the following preconditions for deflation that, when read in the context of today's financial crisis, are nothing short of impeccable:

Visit Elliott Wave International to Download Your Free Report on Inflation and Deflation.


There's been a flurry of interest over psychedelics in biotech recently, and that turns out to be the focus of Jeff Siegel's latest Green Chip Stocks tease -- he's talking up the huge gains potential of a "Magic Molecule" and  hints at three stocks that will profit from the amazong treatments for addiction, depression, PTSD and many other ailments... so, naturally, we're curious about what those stocks are... just click below to...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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