
May 10, 2024

Dear Friend,

Welcome back to my Week in Review newsletter. Please remember to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube for regular updates on how I am serving the people of South Carolina!

This week, I continued leading the fight to combat antisemitism on college campuses and stand up for the rights of Jewish students. I also introduced legislation to remove burdensome red tape and boost efficiency in the energy space, and supported a bill to improve the safety and reliability of air travel for South Carolinians.

John 16:33

In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.

The Week in Review

Blocked from Calling out Antisemitism

This week, I went to the floor of the Senate floor to call for passage of my resolution to condemn the explosion of antisemitism on U.S. college campuses. To no one’s surprise, Senator Bernie Sanders and Senate Democrats blocked my resolution.

It is unthinkable that my Democratic colleagues refuse to call antisemitism out for the evil that it is without caveats!


Watch my speech here.

Watch my rebuttal to Senator Sanders here.

Cutting Burdensome Red Tape

I introduced the Efficient Nuclear Licensing Hearings Act to boost the efficiency and effectiveness of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). In South Carolina, over 50% of our power comes from nuclear energy. Our bill would streamline the licensing process at the NRC, allowing other states to follow our state’s lead in the energy field and help move us in the right direction for a more secure and robust energy future.

Read more about my legislation here!

Clear Skies Ahead

On Thursday, I supported FAA reauthorization legislation that delivers critical wins for our state to improve passenger safety, help expand and make our airports more accessible, and address the workforce challenges that too often lead to delays. As our state continues to grow and we work to create more economic opportunity, it is more important than ever that South Carolinians have safe, reliable access to air transportation.

Read more about the bill here!

In The News

National Review: Bernie Sanders Blocks Senate Resolution Condemning Campus Antisemitism

Senator Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) blocked a resolution condemning antisemitism on college and university campuses in the United States in his role as chairman of the upper chamber’s Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions committee.

The resolution, introduced by Senator Tim Scott (R., S.C.), would condemn “the rise of antisemitism on campuses of institutions of higher education across the United States” and “administrators of institutions of higher education who have enabled ongoing antisemitism on their campuses.” It also would urge the U.S. Department of Education to ensure those institutions of higher education have complied with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and that “students, including Jewish students, are not experiencing discrimination in violation of such Title VI.”

Click here to read the article in full!

Palmetto State Pride

Congratulations to John Truluck of Dorchester County, who was presented with the Local Developer of the Year Award by the South Carolina Economic Developer's Association! John has spent more than 20 years working to foster economic growth and opportunity across South Carolina, and I’m grateful for his continued dedication to our state’s prosperity. #SCSweetTea


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