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The Power of Words in Business

jill-new14.jpg?zoom=1.25&w=600mkAqBZW.jpg?resize=300,400I love email. I know it’s silly, but I truly love receiving emails – especially from women who are a part of my ministry, Christian Work at Home Moms. I love hearing what God is doing in their lives and how He is creating businesses out of the very fabric of who they are and the things that they love to do.

I received an email not long ago, however, that wasn’t nearly so encouraging. The woman was upset. She had been hurt by people during her work-at-home journey, she felt used and abused. She took that anger out on me. I was heartbroken as I read that email and felt this woman’s pain. My heart ached not just for the anger that she expressed, but at seeing the pain behind her words.
Words give us power. They allow us to communicate what God is teaching us. They give us the ability to share the joys and triumphs of life.

And yet, words can be used to wield another sort of power as well – the power to injure. We can so easily hurt others with the words that write and speak. I can think of countless times that I have spoken something without thinking – with no intention of hurting someone – and injured the person on the receiving end.
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What Your Communication Systems Say About Your Brand

dana1.jpg?w=600Writing-a-Mission-Statement.png?w=310 A brand is communicated from the moment your prospect contacts you, whether that is through a web page, email, a sign, or a phone greeting

The communication systems (or lack of systems) says a lot about you and your brand.

What does it say?

Let’s just consider this one case in point, something my local women’s networking leader is always pointing out and has seen personally over and over again: If you give your card to a prospect and then they call and get a greeting that does not clearly identify who you are and what business you represent, that is going to confuse them. It will scare them away and you will lose business

Having a dedicated office phone is an important step toward branding yourself in a positive light. Don’t mix your home phone and business phone! If you use your cell phone, answer it in a professional, courteous manner. Don’t let your children answer your phone if it is a business call. This is why having separate lines in a home business is so crucial.

Otherwise, like I said, your prospect will be scared away because you will have lost trust in their eyes. It’s the same with signage. If it is not consistent with your brand and does not clearly identify who you are and what you do, you will lose customers. I think of a date that my husband and I went on several years ago. I had heard about a place to listen to live jazz music. There was no signage whatsoever. It was a very uncomfortable feeling, so much so that I didn’t want to get out of the car. We went to somewhere familiar that night.

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