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Cyber Mandala sale
Cyber Monday? Cyber Mandala®! For 1 day only you can save 40% on ALL Mandala® yarns plus its cousin, Cupcake®! Use the code: CYBERMANDALA at checkout to grab your discount!
Promo includes Mandala & Cupcake yarns only. Valid through 11:59 EST on 12/2/2019 only.
40% off Mandala Yarns
40% off Mandala Yarns
40% off Mandala Yarns
40% off Mandala Yarns
40% off Mandala Yarns
40% off Mandala Yarns
40% off Mandala Yarns
View All Mandala Yarn Colors >>
Mandala Yarn
With an exceptionally wide range of enchanting colors, from jewel tones, to bright children's colors, and even classic shades for men, one glimpse of this mystical yarn will leave you spellbound.
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