Wednesday, June 21, 2017 | 11:00 AM ET | Duration: 6 HR
Understanding Cyber Attackers and Cyber Threats

“But we don’t have anything cyber attackers want to steal.” Many organizations think this way. Financially motivated attackers, however, may look at your assets much differently than you do, seeing value in anything from contact lists to business plans, from blueprints to passwords. They may steal your credentials or your intellectual property, extort you for a hefty ransom, or simply trick your users into wiring them thousands of dollars in cash from the company coffers. What have you got that they want, and what can you do to prevent them from taking it?

Learn all about “The Financially Motivated Cybercriminal” during the keynote session of Dark Reading’s unique, all-day virtual event: “Understanding Cyber Attackers and Cyber Threats.” In a series of online keynote presentations and virtual panels, some of the industry’s top experts on cybercrime and online threats will join with Dark Reading editors to help you get a deeper insight into the “bad guys” of cyberspace. You’ll get a closer look at who they are, how they work, what they do – and how your enterprise can stop them.

You’ll also get practical advice on how best implement your defenses. For example, in “Collecting and Analyzing Threat Intelligence Data,” you’ll get:

  • A rundown of threat intelligence sources and methods, including free and open-source ones
  • Recommendations on how to get the most from threat intelligence information sharing groups (ISACs)
  • Best practices for prioritizing and winnowing down threat data so you can find what you need and act on it before it’s too late

If you’d like to know more about the methods and motivations of threat actors who may be targeting your organization, this virtual event is for you. Register today!

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