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CSO First Look

November 18, 2021

Cyberwar's global players—it's not always Russia or China

Research reveals that countries such as Belarus, India, and Columbia are responsible for significant cyberattacks. Read more ▶

Image: Sponsored by Sophos: Novel Encryption Technique Helps Lockfile Ransomware Hide in Plain Sight

BrandPost Sponsored by Sophos

Sponsored by Sophos: Novel Encryption Technique Helps Lockfile Ransomware Hide in Plain Sight

But prevention advice is not new: enterprises need a multilayered approach for protection.

Will XDR modernize the SOC?

Organizations are both adopting XDR technology and modernizing the SOC. New ESG research points to areas of potential overlap and even conflict between those two initiatives.

Software composition analysis explained, and how it identifies open-source software risks

SCA tools give insight into open-source software components and the vulnerabilities they have.

Image: How CISOs escape the cost center trap

How CISOs escape the cost center trap

Even as the CISO role is becoming more business-focused, in many organizations the notion of security as purely a cost center persists. Here’s how savvy CISOs can turn that around.

6 key points of the new CISA/NSA 5G cloud security guidance

The security guidance focuses on zero-trust concepts as the US agencies anticipate growth of 5G networks.

Spike in encrypted malware poses dual challenge for CISOs

Faced with a surge in malware hidden in encrypted traffic, CISOs are being tasked with managing technical solutions while also adhering to privacy considerations.

Why small businesses should consider Microsoft Defender for Business

Defender for Business brings EDR and threat monitoring features found in more expensive Windows licenses to smaller organizations.

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